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- Created by: lauren149
- Created on: 19-10-22 12:05
What is a pathogen?
a disease-causing microorganism
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What is a toxin?
a poisonous chemical, produced by certain pathogens
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What is the immune system?
the body's defence system against infections and diseases (consists of white blood cells and antibodies)
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What is immunity?
the ability to attack a pathogen before it causes disease due to a previous encounter with the pathogen
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What is an infection?
The presence of microorganisms causing damage to body tissues
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What is a microorganism?
Any organism too small to be seen by the naked eye
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What is endogenous infection?
an infection or disease that originates within the body
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What is exogenous?
an infection or disease that originates outside the body
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What is nosocomial infection?
an infection acquired by an individual in a health care facility, transmitted by healthcare workers
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What is an opportunistic infection?
an infection that occurs when the body's defenses are weak
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Define the term 'Chain of Infection'
refers to conditions that are met for disease to occur
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What does the chain of infection consist of?
1. Infectious agent
2. Reservoir
3.Portal of exit
4. Mode of transmission
5. Portal of Entry
6. Susceptible Host
2. Reservoir
3.Portal of exit
4. Mode of transmission
5. Portal of Entry
6. Susceptible Host
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What is an infectious agent and what different forms can it be present as?
a pathogen, such as a bacterium or a virus that can cause disease
- Bacteria
- Fungi
- Virus
- Parasite
- Protozoa
- Bacteria
- Fungi
- Virus
- Parasite
- Protozoa
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What is a reservoir?
The reservoir of an infectious agent is the habitat in which the agent normally lives, grows, and multiplies. These include:
- People
- Equipment
- Water
- People
- Equipment
- Water
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What is a portal of exit?
a way for the infectious agent to escape from the reservoir in which it has been growing. For example through excretions, secretions and droplets
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What is the mode of transmission?
a way that the infectious agent can be transmitted to another reservoir or host where it can live. For example through direct contact, droplets, airborne or vector borne
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What is a portal of entry?
a way for the infectious agent to enter a new reservoir or host, such as, by the respiratory tract, GI tract, mucous membrane or by skin.
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What is a susceptible host?
a person likely to get an infection or disease, usually because the body defences are weak. This include:
- People with a chronic disease
- Immunocompromised
- Very young
- Elderly
- People with a chronic disease
- Immunocompromised
- Very young
- Elderly
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What is symbiosis?
is the way in which organisms live together for their mutual, and therefore, intrinsic benefit.
This benefits the human and not harm the microorganism.
This benefits the human and not harm the microorganism.
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What is mutualism?
defined as an interaction between individuals of different species that results in positive (beneficial) effects
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What is commensalism?
is a type of relationship between two living organisms in which one organism benefits from the other without harming it.
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What are the four stages of progression (from the point of view of microorganism?
1. Colonisation
2. Invasion
3. Multiplication
4. Spread
2. Invasion
3. Multiplication
4. Spread
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What is colonisation?
presence of a microorganism on/in a host, with growth and multiplication of the organism, but without interaction between host and organism
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What happens during the process of invasion?
- Infectious agents can invade surrounding tissues/ other sites
- Developed mechanisms to penetrate tissues & avoid the host's nonspecific & specific defences (inflammation & immunity)
- Developed mechanisms to penetrate tissues & avoid the host's nonspecific & specific defences (inflammation & immunity)
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What happened during the process of multiplication?
- Warm, nutrient fills host environment
- Replicate within infected cells (viral pathogens)
- Replicate in macrophages & other cells (bacterial pathogens)
- Replicate within infected cells (viral pathogens)
- Replicate in macrophages & other cells (bacterial pathogens)
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What factors enable a successful spread?
- Adhesion molecules
- toxins
- protection against host's inflammatory and immune system
- toxins
- protection against host's inflammatory and immune system
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What happens if the host has an intact immune system?
microorganism remains localised
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What happens is the host's immune or inflammatory system is compromised?
The infection may rapidly spread
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is a toxin?
a poisonous chemical, produced by certain pathogens
Card 3
What is the immune system?
Card 4
What is immunity?
Card 5
What is an infection?
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