Infection definitions 0.0 / 5 ? NursingInfectionUniversityNone Created by: Jane BeattieCreated on: 23-03-22 19:49 Microorganism Any organism too small to be seen by the naked eye 1 of 13 Pathogens Microorganisms that cause disease 2 of 13 Infection The presence of microorganisms causing damage to body tissues 3 of 13 Symbiosis Benefits human and doesn't harm the microorganism 4 of 13 Mutualism Benefits human and microorganism 5 of 13 Commensalism Benefits microorganism and doesn't harm the human 6 of 13 Pathogenicity Benefits microorganism and harms the human 7 of 13 Opportunism A benign microorganism becomes pathogenic because of decreased human host resistance 8 of 13 Bacteria Prokaryotic (no enclosed nucleus), no mitochondria or membrane-bound organelles 9 of 13 Virus Small particle that is capable of replication but only with living cells 10 of 13 Fungus A simple organism that lacks the green pigment chlorophyll 11 of 13 Parasite Any living thing that lives in or on another living organism 12 of 13 Protozoa Single-celled parasitic organisms 13 of 13
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