Infections 0.0 / 5 ? Health & Social CareApplied Life ScienceUniversityAll boards Created by: PmcilroyCreated on: 18-10-23 17:31 Fungus A simple organism lacking chlorophyll 1 of 20 Vector When an infection is transmitted indirectly by insects 2 of 20 Parasite Any living thing that lives in or on another living organism 3 of 20 Exotoxins Protein released during bacterial growth 4 of 20 Mold Multi-called fungus 5 of 20 Vaccine A substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several disease 6 of 20 Pyrexia A rise in body temperature above the normal 7 of 20 Viron Basic viral structure 8 of 20 Antigenic variation Bacteria response by changing antigens and becoming resistant to antibodies 9 of 20 Pathogen The name of a microorganism that causes disease 10 of 20 Infection When a microorganism causes damage to body tissues 11 of 20 What are the 4 stages of Progression? 1.Colonization 2.Invasion 3.Multiplication 4.Spread 12 of 20 What are the 4 stages of Disease process? 1.Incubation period 2.Prodromal Stage 3.Invasion period 4.Convalescence 13 of 20 Commensalism Benefits the microorganism and does not harm the human 14 of 20 Symbiosis Benefits the human and does not harm the microorganism 15 of 20 Mutualism Benefits the human and the microorganism 16 of 20 Pathogenicity Benefits microorganisms and harms the human 17 of 20 Opportunism A benign microorganism that becomes pathogenic because of decreased human host resistance 18 of 20 Vibrios Common shaped bacteria 19 of 20 Prokaryotic No enclosed nucleus 20 of 20
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