It is in the heart and most tissues, is a framework that exists within the body and can stim an inflammatory response for protection
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What is Inflammation?
A protective response that attempts to eliminate invaders and necrotic tissues and cells
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What is Inflammatory Response?
Is a protective response, activated to remove dead cells thru phagocytosis, localizes damage, stimulates healing w. involvement of Parenchymal Cells
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Where is Avascular Connectve Tissue found?
In cartilage so it cant stimulate an inflammatory response as there are no blood vessels there
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Can Parenchymal Cells be replaced?
Some can, others such as the heart muscle which cant will be replaced by scar tissue
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What are some pathological responses of inflammation?
Anaphalactic Shock (like having inflam response in whole body rather than localized tissues) and Rheumatoid Arthritis, the body attacks its own cells and so creates an ongoing and chronic inflammatory response
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What are the 2 basic patterns of inflammation?
Chronic and Acute Inflammation
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What is Acute inflammation and how long does it last?
The immediate response to injury involving the release of mediators. A few minutes to a few days, if it doesnt resolve it will be classed as chronic inflammation
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How long does Chronic inflammation last?
Days to years
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What do the mediators involved in an acute inflammatory response do?
Vasodilation to increase blood flow to area which increases heat and redness, caps become more leaky into surrounding tissue = oedema, fresh blood dilutes toxins & delivers fresh phagocytes
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What does the chemical Histamine do?
Vasodilation, increases permeability of local caps, promotes formation of exudate
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What does Bradykinin do?
Same as Histamine but its not released from tissues, it circs in body and is activated when flows thu damaged area also start chemotaxis of leukocytes and prompt nuetrophils to release enzymes. They induce pain.
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What do Prostaglandins do?
They enhance Histamine and like it increase pain, nuetrophils and chemotaxis
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How soon do monocytes predominate at a site of injury and what happens to them?
They predominate at 24-48 hours and turn into macrophages which phagocytose invaders
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Why is it a good thing that mediators increase cap permeability?
It allows fresh blood in to dilute toxins and delivers fresh phagocytes through allowing circulating monocytes and neutrophils into the tissue
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What do Complement proteins do?
They will become Chemotaxic so will attract phagocytes to the site of injury, will increase vasodil and cap permeability. Involved w. coating bacteria for easier phagocytosis
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What are the hallmarks of acute inflammation?
Pain, swelling, redness, heat pain and loss of function
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What happens if Chronic Inflammation Persists?
When phagocytes hang around they spill toxins which can = tissue destruction
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What is Suppurative Inflammation?
The presence of large amounts of pus and dead cells
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What is Ulceration?
An inflammatory site thats associated with erosion of epithelial surface
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What is Serous Inflammation?
An outpouring of watery low protein fluid (like a blister)
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What is Fibrinous Inflammation?
More severe injury than Serous Inflammation, fibrinous meshwork forms which leads to scarring
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What are parenchymal cells?
The functional cells in the body
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is Inflammation?
A protective response that attempts to eliminate invaders and necrotic tissues and cells
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