Influence of early attachment on later relationships

  • Created by: Gottowork
  • Created on: 15-05-16 10:38
Bowlby says we have internal working models. What would typical type A behaviour and type C behaviour be?
Type A - Too involved or too emotionally close, type C - argumentative and controlling
1 of 7
How is attachment type associated with the quality of peer relationships?
Secure have best quality friendships, not involved in bullying. Insecure-avoidant victims, insecure-resistant bullies
2 of 7
What did Hazan and Shaver do?
Association between attachment and adult relationships - love quiz, 620 replies. Three sections, most important relationships and experiences
3 of 7
What did Hazan and Shaver find?
56% secure, 25% insecure-avoidant, 19% insecure-resistant. Secure - good, long-lasting, avoidant - jealousy, fear of intimacy
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Why do most studies into the influence of early attachment lack validity?
Questionnaire, years later. Self-report techniques rely on honesty, realistic views. Retrospective - hard to remember early relationships accurately
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Association does not mean causality. What do I mean by this?
There are alternative explanations for the continuity that often exists - e.g. parenting style, temperament. Counter to Bowlby's view that the internal working model caused these later outcomes
6 of 7
Why is the influence of early attachment probabilistic?
Bowlby exaggerated significance of influence? Clarke and Clarke - people aren't doomed to always have bad relationships just because of attachment problems - just greater risk. Could become too pessimistic about futures
7 of 7

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Card 2


How is attachment type associated with the quality of peer relationships?


Secure have best quality friendships, not involved in bullying. Insecure-avoidant victims, insecure-resistant bullies

Card 3


What did Hazan and Shaver do?


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Card 4


What did Hazan and Shaver find?


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Card 5


Why do most studies into the influence of early attachment lack validity?


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