Infratemporal Fossa

What is the a: lateral b: superior c: posterior d: anterior e : medial border of infra temporal fossa
a: ramus of the mandible b: zygomatic arch c: tympanic plate and mastoid process d: Post maxilla e: lateral pterygoid plate
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what muscles are found in the infra temporal fossa
temporalis (the inferior part) medial pterygoid and lateral pterygoid
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what nerves. are found in the infra temporal fossa
branches of the mandibular nerve (CNV3)- AURICOLOTEMPORAL, INFERIOR ALVEOLAR, LINGUAL, BUCCAL. also, the optic ganglion and chordates tympani (CN VII)
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what arteries and veins are found in infratemporal fossa
arteries: maxillary artery plus its branches. veins: pterygoid plexus
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what muscle of mastication does not close the jaw?
lateral pterygoid
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where does the lateral pterygoid insert?
mandibular fovea and TMJ capsule and articular disc
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what nerve innervates the lateral pterygoid
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What is the origin of lateral pterygoid
infra temporal crest of greater wing of sphenoid (superior head) lateral surface of lateral pterygoid plate (inferior head)
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what is the origin of the medial pterygoid
medial surface of lateral pterygoid plate and tuberosity of maxilla
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where does the medial pterygoid insert?
medial surface of mandibular ramus
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what is the clinical relevance of pterygoid venous plexus?
it provides communication between superficial. face. and dural venous sinuses
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what maxillary artery branches Are found in the. 1st part of the artery. before lateral pterygoid
deep auricular, anterior tympanic, middle meningeal, accessory middle meningeal and inferior alveolar
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what maxillary artery branches are found in the 2nd part of the artery, associated with lateral pterygoid
deep temporal, masseteric branches, pterygoid branches, buccal branch.
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what maxillary branches are found in the 3rd part of the maxillary artery, after lateral pterygoid
sphenopalatine, descending palatine, posterior superior alveolar, infra orbital, pharyngeal and vidian
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what are the 2 important branches from the 1st part of the artery and why
middle meningeal - cranial vault via foramen spinosum. inferior alveolar - lower teeth
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what are the 2 important branches from the 2nd part of artery and why
buccal for cheek and deep temporal arteries
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what are the 3 important branches from the 3rd part and why
sphenopalatine- nose and palate. infra orbital - upper teeth and skin of mid face. posterior superior alveolar artery - upper teeth
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in the anterior division of mandibular nerve there is the deep temporal, buccal and the muscular branches. for each say if they motor or sensory and what do they innervate
deep temporal: motor, temporalis. buccal: sensory, mucosa and skin of cheeck. muscular branches: motor, masseter and lateral pterygoid
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in the posterior division- auricolotemporal, inferior alveolar, nerve to mylohyoid , mental nerve and lingual nerve
auricolotemporal- sensory, tragus and posterior temple. inferior alveolar: sensory, lower dental arch, madibular labial gingival. nerve to mylohyoid: motor, mylohyoid and ABD. mental nerve- sensory, chin, lower lip mucosa, gingivae of lower 3-3.
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lingual nerve- sensory, anterior two thirds of tongue, floor of mouth, mandibular lingual gingivae
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what does the otic gland provide
parasympathetic innervation of parotid gland from cn ix
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the chord tympani branch of CN VII connect what
lingual nerve branch of CN V3
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what muscles are found in the infra temporal fossa


temporalis (the inferior part) medial pterygoid and lateral pterygoid

Card 3


what nerves. are found in the infra temporal fossa


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what arteries and veins are found in infratemporal fossa


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what muscle of mastication does not close the jaw?


Preview of the front of card 5
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