Ingredients in hair and beauty products

1. What is a Paraben?
2. What is an Oxidising Agent?
3. What are Mineral Oils?
1. A preservative,( anti-fungal, bactericidal, fungicidal)

2. Add oxygen to products during a chemical reaction

3. Occlusive to increase moisture levels by providing a physical barrier to moisture loss
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4. What are Stabilisers?
5. What are emollients?
4. Stop from oils and water from separating, so that the product is usable for longer

5. Provides some occlusive and improve the appearance of skin by smoothing flaky skin cells
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6. What is an Antiseptic?
7. What are Humectants?
6. Used to prevent infections on the skin that are caused by bacteria

7. Keep the moisture content of the product and adds it to skin and hair
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8. What is Emulsifiers?
9. What are UV filters?
10. What are Exfoliators?
8. Keep the ingredients in a product mixed together

9. Protect hair and skin from damage from the sun or bright light

10. Removes dead skin cells
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11. What is Pigments?
12. What is Astringents?
13. What is Hydrating?
11. Intensify strong colour

12. Have a drying effect on the skin, remove oil and help to close pores.

13. Adds moisture
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14. What is Hypoallergic?
15. What is Non-comedogenic?
16. What is soothing?
14. Tested to reduce the risk of allergic reactions

15. Minimises the blocking of pores /anti acne

16. Calming, reduces the redness of skin
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17. What is Regenerating?
18. What are Anti-Oxidants?
19. What is stimulating?
17. Encourages cell renewal

18. Help prevent/reduce free radicals, to reduce effects of oxidation

19. Encourages growth and repair
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20. What is Depilatory?
21. What is Dihydroxyacetone?
22. What is Paraphenylenediamine?
20. Removes unwanted hair
21. A pigment used in a fake tan
22. A pigment used in permanent hair colour?
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Card 2


4. What are Stabilisers?
5. What are emollients?


4. Stop from oils and water from separating, so that the product is usable for longer

5. Provides some occlusive and improve the appearance of skin by smoothing flaky skin cells

Card 3


6. What is an Antiseptic?
7. What are Humectants?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


8. What is Emulsifiers?
9. What are UV filters?
10. What are Exfoliators?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


11. What is Pigments?
12. What is Astringents?
13. What is Hydrating?


Preview of the front of card 5
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