Ingredients of products

what are parabens
Parabens are a family of related chemicals that are commonly used as preservatives in cosmetic products. Preservatives may be used in cosmetics
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what is a emollient
Emollients are moisturising treatments applied directly to the skin to soothe and hydrate it. They cover the skin with a protective film to trap in moisture
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what is a oxidising agent
the oxidizer acts as activator and catalyst.
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what is a stabiliser
maintain the function and activity of other ingredients present in the cosmetic formulation,
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what is a antiseptic
decrease bacterial growth caused by in grown hair.
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what is a humectant
attract and retain moisture from the surrounding environment, helping to hydrate the hair and prevent dryness, frizz, and static.
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Card 2


Emollients are moisturising treatments applied directly to the skin to soothe and hydrate it. They cover the skin with a protective film to trap in moisture


what is a emollient

Card 3


the oxidizer acts as activator and catalyst.


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Card 4


maintain the function and activity of other ingredients present in the cosmetic formulation,


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Card 5


decrease bacterial growth caused by in grown hair.


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