Intellectual Development 2.0 0.0 / 5 ? Health & Social CareIntellectual DevelopmentBTEC NationalAll boards Created by: Ellieh16Created on: 09-01-18 13:51 At what age can a child ask questions, count, recognise colours and sort objects. Three 1 of 10 In what stage do children use practical resources to help them to understand the world. Concrete Operational 2 of 10 This type of intellectual development is needed for working things out and make predictions about what might happen. Problem Solving 3 of 10 The child constructs an understanding or concept (schema). Assimilation 4 of 10 At what age do children start to read and write and draw in detail, can talk about the past and the future. Five 5 of 10 The child's experience fits with their schema. Equilibrium 6 of 10 Piaget believed that, until children are 7 years old, they only see things from their own perspective. Egocentrism 7 of 10 At what stage do infants learn about their environment and develop early schemas by using all their senses to physically explore the world. Sensorimotor 8 of 10 Young people have the capacity for abstract thought, rational thought and prolem solving. Formal Operational 9 of 10 What type of intellectual development is needed for thinking and discussing things that can't be observed. Abstract thought 10 of 10
childrens play learning and development 2016 specs unit 1 milestones 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating Teacher recommended
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