interest and exchange rates 0.0 / 5 ? Business StudiesFinanceGCSEEdexcel Created by: sasha-99Created on: 01-05-15 11:59 imports goods and services that are brought from abroad. 1 of 7 exports goods and services that are sold abroad. 2 of 7 calculating exports times the pound £ by the other currency e.g. $ dollars. 3 of 7 calculating imports divide the currency by the other currency e.g. £ pounds. 4 of 7 interest rate percentage reward or payment over a period of time that is given to savers or borrower- paid on loans. 5 of 7 rise in interest increases the cost of borrowing. (price continues to rise over time). 6 of 7 fall in interest lowers the cost of borrowing (price will decrese in amount having to be paid) 7 of 7
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