information collected by sociologists for their own purpose e.g. social surveys (questionaire or interview), participant observation and experiments (field and the comparative method)
1 of 6
advantage of primary data
precise information specific to hypothesis, dont need to worry about credibility or whether its outdated
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disadvantages of primary data
time consuming, costly, may require training and special skills
3 of 6
secondary data
data that has been collected by somebody else for their own purposes e.g. official stats and documents
4 of 6
advantage of secondary data
quick, cheap, doesnt require training or specific skills
5 of 6
disadvantages of secondary data
not collected for
6 of 6
Other cards in this set
Card 2
precise information specific to hypothesis, dont need to worry about credibility or whether its outdated
advantage of primary data
Card 3
time consuming, costly, may require training and special skills
Card 4
data that has been collected by somebody else for their own purposes e.g. official stats and documents
Card 5
quick, cheap, doesnt require training or specific skills
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