  • Created by: nandiya
  • Created on: 11-02-21 12:26
What are anabolic Pathways ?
pathways that require energy they are the biosynthesis of smaller molecules into bigger molecules
1 of 10
What are Catabolic Pathways?
pathways that release energy and breakdown of large molecules into smaller.
2 of 10
what is an example of things that contain chemical energy and examples of chemical waste
chemical energy: carbohydrates, lipids
chemical waste: co2 and H2o
3 of 10
What are the two functions of oxidative catabolism of glucose ?
1. the production of "free energy" = ATP

2. the production of intermediates from glycolysis and the TCA cycle to provide material for other metabolic pathways
4 of 10
what is oxidative Metabolism?
a chemical process, where oxygen is used to make energy from carbs
known as aerobic metabolism example aerobic respiration
5 of 10
why is glucose important
1. makes energy requirements that the cell needs

2. material requirements for the cell

note glucose can't be used for both at the same time
6 of 10
what is the DG° for the reaction of photosynthesis (the breakdown of glucose)
-2834 kjmol -1
7 of 10
what is the release of energy used for in biological systems?
1. mechanical work: muscle contraction
2. transport work: ionic gradients
3. heat generation
4. Biochemical work: energy requiring chemical reactions
8 of 10
what is le chatelier's principle?
any deviation from the equilibrium will allow the opposite of the reaction taking place to happen in order to restore the equilibrium of the system
9 of 10
what is a metabolic pathway?
it is a linked series of chemical reactions occurring at the same time within cell. The reactants, products, and intermediates of an enzymatic reaction are known as metabolites, which are modified by a sequence of chemical reactions catalyzed by enzymes
10 of 10

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are Catabolic Pathways?


pathways that release energy and breakdown of large molecules into smaller.

Card 3


what is an example of things that contain chemical energy and examples of chemical waste


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Card 4


What are the two functions of oxidative catabolism of glucose ?


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Card 5


what is oxidative Metabolism?


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