Introductory Research Methods Term Two Keywords 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologyIntroductory Research MethodsUniversityNone Created by: PsycSaphCreated on: 03-04-19 14:15 Alternative hypothesis predictable relationship 1 of 30 Correlational determines if there is a relationship between two variables 2 of 30 Co-related two variables are associated 3 of 30 Cross-sectional measure variables at one point on time, snapshot 4 of 30 Correlational co-efficent measurement of strength of relationship between two variables 5 of 30 Convergent validity : the degree of which two measures of constructs that should be related are 6 of 30 Categorical data in discrete categories that have no relationship 7 of 30 Categorical analysis data is divided into discrete categories that have no relationship to each other 8 of 30 Discriminant validity statistical measure of construct validity 9 of 30 Divergent validity the degree to which two measures that should be unrelated are 10 of 30 Expected expect for chance 11 of 30 Focus group a discussion based informal interview conducted in small groups 12 of 30 Interval order of magnitude, distances assumed to be equal 13 of 30 Interpretative phrenological analysis aims to capture the quality/ texture of individual experience 14 of 30 Longitudinal several points measuring changes in relationship 15 of 30 Null no meaningful relationship 16 of 30 Ordinal implied order of magnitude distances not equal 17 of 30 Observed what is counted for 18 of 30 Psychometrics science of measuring mental capacities 19 of 30 Qualitative relating to, measuring, or measured by the quality of something rather than its quantity. 20 of 30 Qualitative observation specific methodology which involves the researchers observations when immersed in a group or culture, which are recorded and analysed 21 of 30 R standardised measure of shared variance divided by a standardised variance divided by a standardized measure of a separate variance 22 of 30 Ratio order of magnitude with equal values, zero point 23 of 30 Regression analysis examine the relationship between an outcome variable and predictor variables 24 of 30 Spurious correlations whether variables are likely to have a relationship 25 of 30 Thematic aims to learn about pp versions of social world 26 of 30 Thematic analysis a method for identifying, analysing and reporting similar ideas, patterns (themes) that emerge across all data 27 of 30 Theme captures something important in the data in relation to the research question 28 of 30 Variance measure of spread in data 29 of 30 Validity whether it measures what it is supposed to do 30 of 30
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