Investigation of specific infection

  • Created by: hadar
  • Created on: 05-02-18 16:05
What is local sampling?
around source of the infection, what the source of the infection is and what is causing the problem and how to treat
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What is general sampling?
investigating sepsis and overall well being of the patient Procalcitonin testing levels
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What investigations would be done for meningitis?
1)Lumbar puncture- CSF collection 2) blood cultures (2 sets) 3) blood for bacterial PCR 4)FBC, clotting, U&E, LFT, glucose, CRP
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What investigations would be done for encephalitis?
CSF requesting for viral PCR specifically (normally herpes simplex caused)
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What investigations would be done for brain abscess?
local sampling- 1)pus--> surgical biopsy/ drainage= gram, culture, sensitivity, PCR 2)blood cultures **avoid LP due to increased pressure in brain already
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What investigations would be done for acute otitis media?
Clinical diagnosis, viral and bacterial, send pus if ear drum perforated
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What investigations would be done for acute otitis external?
Ear swab: determine cause (bact., fungal etc.) and sensitivity
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What investigations would be done for rhino-sinusitis?
majority won't- self-limiting if severe--> Pus from operative sinus lavage FBC, Blood Cultures etc.
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What investigations would be done for pharyngitis?
Send throat swabs only if evidence bacterial infection Looking only for B-Haem Streps-->Additional tests EBV serology Swab for Diphtheria Pus if Quinsy abscess
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What investigations would be done for influenza?
only tests those who need to be treated (vulnerable patient)/ are at risk of transmitting -->Nose/throat swabs- Immunofluorescence vs. PCR
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What investigations would be done for pneumonia?
Pneumonia is a clinical diagnosis based on respiratory symptoms, signs and chest XR changes--> CURB65 score
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What does the CRUB65 score assess?
Confusion+ Blood Urea nitrogen >7mmol/L+ Respiratory rate >30 bpm+ blood pressure
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What investigations would be done for pulmonary tuberculosis? (exposure testing)
exposure testing--> Mantoux IGRA (Interferon G Releasing Assay) (QuantiFERON-TB, T-Spot TB) Rely on intact immune system
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What investigations would be done for pulmonary tuberculosis? (symptoms)
pulmonary symptoms--> 3 sputum samples Microscopy & Culture (for 8 weeks) PCR- Rapid, costly, lower sensitivity
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What investigations would be done for pneumocysitis?
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What investigations would be done for fungal aspergillus?
Culture, aspergillus antigen
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What investigations would be done for atypical viral infection?
viral PCR
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What investigations would be done for Localised: impetigo, erysipelas, cellulitis?
1) wound swab- send blister fluid/abscess pus 2) needle aspirates from cellulitis(poor determining pathogen) 3) blood cultures (only positive in severe cases
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What investigations would be done for necrotising fasciitis?
1) blood cultures (2 sets) 2) bloods- FBC, U&E’s, LFT’s, CRP
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What investigations would be done for diabetic foot infection?
mild infection- wound swab moderate/serve infection- bone/tissue sample
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What investigations would be done for cystitis? (lower UTI)
Diagnosis is clinical based on the symptoms+ urine dip stick
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What investigations would be done for pyelonephritis? (upper UTI)
Diagnosis is clinical based on the symptoms+ urine dip stick
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What is Kass criteria?
threshold for “significant bacteriuria”--> describes the likelihood of a urinary tract infection from a mid stream urine specimen.
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How can urine be collected?
1)Midstream urine 2)Catheter specimen of urine 3)Suprapubic aspirate 4)Bag
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What investigations would be done for Epididymo-orchitis?
1) urine sent for culture 2) urine sent for Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea NAAT (PCR)
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What investigations would be done for infectious diarrhoea?
1) Stool sample 2) Parasites- one stool not enough (3 samples improves pick up) 3)Bloods: FBC, clotting, U&E’s, LFT’s, CRP 4)Blood Cultures 5)Abdominal Imaging: plane film or CT
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What investigations would be done for Helicobacter pylori?
1) H.pylori antibody test 2) H.pylori stool antigen 3) urea breath test 4) biopsy urease test
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What needs to be stopped when investigating H.pylori?
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What investigations would be done for liver abscess?
1) pus 2) stool for OCP 3) blood cultures 4) FBC, U&E, LFT, CRP 5) hydatid serology 6) imaging USS/CT
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What investigations would be done for Cholangitis/Cholecystitis?
1)Bloods: FBC, U&E’s, LFT’s, Clotting, amylase 2)Blood Cultures 3)Imaging: USS or CT 4)Bile fluid or Pus (if aspirated/drained)
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What investigations would be done for diverticulitis?
1)Pus from abscess 2)Blood Cultures 3)Bloods: FBC, U&E’s, LFT’s, Clotting, amylase 4)Imaging: CT
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What investigations would be done for endocarditis?
1)Blood cultures- 3 sets at different times in first 24 hours of suspected infection 2)echocardiography (TTE+TOE) / TOES if PVE suspected 3)Bloods 4)serology for Bartonella, Chlamydia, Coxiella, Brucella 5)imaging (CT,PET,WBC scan fluid around graft
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What investigations are done for hepatitis and syphilis?
serological methods to detect and make a diagnosis Serology= looking at antigen and antibodies
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What investigations would be done for hepatitis A,B,C?
Based on Serology +/- PCR
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What antibody is seen in acute phase infection?
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What antibody is seen in chronic phase infection?
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What does serology look at?
Antigen= looking at the organism Antibody= looking at the body's response
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What investigations would be done for syphilis?
1)Screening test including IgM in Primary infection 2)Treponemal Specific Antibody (eg. TPPH, TPHA) 3)Non-Treponemal Specific Antibody (eg. VDRL, RPR)
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is general sampling?


investigating sepsis and overall well being of the patient Procalcitonin testing levels

Card 3


What investigations would be done for meningitis?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What investigations would be done for encephalitis?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What investigations would be done for brain abscess?


Preview of the front of card 5
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