IR Key dates 1900-1911 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryInternational RelationsA2/A-levelAQA Created by: evrCreated on: 22-04-18 11:30 Bulgaria and Russia military agreement 1902 1 of 35 Anglo-Japanese Agreement 1902 2 of 35 Military coup in Serbia 1903 3 of 35 New British naval base at Rosyth 1903 4 of 35 King Edward VII visits Paris 1903 5 of 35 Ilinden uprising in Macedonia August 1903 6 of 35 Russo-Japanese War February 1904 7 of 35 Entente Cordiale agreed 1904 8 of 35 Schlieffen Plan completed 1905 9 of 35 First Moroccan Crisis 1905 10 of 35 Britain launches first dreadnought 1906 11 of 35 Aehrenthal becomes Foreign Minister of Austria-Hungary 1906 12 of 35 Pig War 1906 13 of 35 Wilhelm Voigt becomes 'Captain of Kopenick' 1906 14 of 35 German plans to deepen Kiel Canal and have more ships May 1906 15 of 35 Anglo-Russian Agreement 1907 16 of 35 Second conference at the Hague 1907 17 of 35 CUP formed in Ottoman Empire 1907 18 of 35 Balkan Crisis 1908 19 of 35 Young Turk revolution July 1908 20 of 35 Agreement between Izvolsky and Aehrenthal September 1908 21 of 35 Bulgaria proclaims independence from the Ottoman Empire 5 October 1908 22 of 35 Annexation of Bosnia Herzegovina by Austria-Hungary 6 October 1908 23 of 35 Union between Greece and Crete October 1908 24 of 35 Russian Plan No. 19 1908 25 of 35 CUP win election in Ottoman Empire November 1908 26 of 35 Britain increases planned number of dreadnoughts 1909 27 of 35 Austria-Hungary reaches agreement with Turkey January 1909 28 of 35 Russian and Serbia protest against annexation March 1909 29 of 35 Counter revolution against Young Turks April 1909 30 of 35 Law of Associations passed by Young Turks August 1909 31 of 35 Sazonov ended objections to Berlin to Baghdad railway 1910 32 of 35 General Goltz set up league for German youth 1911 33 of 35 Second Moroccan Crisis 1911 34 of 35 Italy attacks the Ottoman Empire at Tripoli 1911 35 of 35
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