Islam Practices Key Terms 0.0 / 5 ? Religious StudiesIslamPracticesGCSEAQA Created by: ElenaCreated on: 01-06-20 13:43 Arafat A plain near Makkah where pilgrims gather to worship, pray, and repent 1 of 25 Ashura Festival: Shi'a Muslims commemorate the martyrdom of Hussain and Sunni Muslims repent of sins 2 of 25 Five Pillars Shahadah, salah, zakah, sawm, and hajj: observed by Sunni Muslims to develop good character and behaviour 3 of 25 Greater Jihad Duty of every Muslims to live a good life, stay faithful to the beliefs and commands of Islam 4 of 25 Hajj Annual pilgrimage to Makkah, which all Muslims must undertake at least once, unless prevented by health or finances 5 of 25 Ibrahim Prophet of Allah, who rebuilt the Ka'aba 6 of 25 Id-ul-Adha Festival at the end of Hajj, celebrating Ibrahim's willingness to sacrifice his son Ishmael for Allah 7 of 25 Id-ul-Fitr Festival at the end of Ramadan to mark the end of fasting 8 of 25 Jihad Meaning "to struggle", effort make to obey Allah 9 of 25 Jummah Weekly communal salah performed after midday on Friday 10 of 25 Ka'aba Black covered cube-shaped building in the centre of the grand mosque in Makkah; all Muslims face towards it when they pray 11 of 25 Khums Shi'a Muslims donate 20% tax on annual surplus income to the poor and religious leaders 12 of 25 Lesser Jihad Military struggle to defend Islam, carried out using strict, clear rules 13 of 25 Makkah City where Muhammad was born; spiritual centre of Islam 14 of 25 Mina Place visited on hajj - stoning of pillars 15 of 25 Muzdalifah Place where pilgrims hold a night prayer and rest during hajj, after Arafat prayer 16 of 25 Night of Power The night when Muhammad received the first revelations of the Qur'an 17 of 25 Rak'ahs Actions made during salah consisting of recitations, standing, bowing, and prostration 18 of 25 Salah Prayer to and worship of Allah, performed five times a day for Sunni, three times for Shi'a 19 of 25 Sawm Fasting from dawn to dusk, during Ramadan, smoking and sex are banned 20 of 25 Shahadah Declaration of faith: "There is no God by Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet" Shi'a add "and Ali is the friend of Allah" 21 of 25 Ten Obligatory Acts Requirements for Shi'a Muslims including salah, sawm, zakah, and hajj 22 of 25 Wudu Ablution: ritual washing performed before salah and when purification is needed 23 of 25 Zakah Giving alms to purify those who give it and the rest of their money 24 of 25 Pilgrimage Journey made for religious reasons 25 of 25
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