A view of a particular gender is presented in psychology which is not justifiable- not a true reflection of the experience or behaviour of that gender
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What is alpha bias?
Psychological theory or research, when the differences between men & women are under consideration, exaggerate these differences, either to heighten the value of women or devalue them
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What is the Sociobiological theory?
It's in a male's interest to try and impregnate as many women as possible as this will guarantee his genes will be passed down
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What is beta bias?
The differences between the sexes are minimised or ignored- occurs in research without female participants which still seeks to generalise the findings to both sexes
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How did Taylor et al (2000) challenge the Fight or Flight Response?
Suggested female biology has evolved to inhibit the fight or flight response, shifting attention towards caring for offspring and forming defensive networks with other female
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What is androcentrism?
Consequence of beta-bias- if our understanding of what is normal is being derived from all male research, behaviour that deviates from this viewed as abnormal
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What are the implications of gender bias?
May create misleading assumptions about female behaviour, fail to challenge negative stereotypes, validate discriminatory practices, provide a scientific justification to deny women opportunities,
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What does the term etic mean?
the term used to describe the belief that perceptions, behaviours etc are shared by all cultural groups
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What is afrocentrism?
A movement that disputes the view that European values are universal, arguing that theories should reflect that all black people have their roots in Africa
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What does the term indigenous mean?
It explains psychologies that result in the development of different groups of theories in different countries
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What are emics?
Approaches that emphasise the uniqueness of every culture
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What is free will?
We can choose our thoughts and actions and can reject biological and external forces
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What is determinism?
Human behaviour is controlled by internal & external forces
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What is hard determinism?
fatalism because it is an extreme position that assumes everything we think and do is dictated by internal and external forces beyond our control
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What is soft determinism?
People have conscious mental control over the way they behave while acknowledging that all human action has a cause
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What is biological determinism?
Biological factors influence our behaviour and we have no control over it
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What is environmental determinism?
Free will is an illusion and all behaviour is the result of conditioning & our behaviour is shaped by environmental events
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What is psychic determinism?
human behaviour is determined and directed by unconscious conflicts repressed in childhood
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What are the strengths of determinism?
consistent with aims of science/ treatments & therapies have been developed
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What are the weaknesses of determinism?
HD stance isn't consistent with legal system/ Unfalsifiable
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What are the strengths of free will?
Face validity/ people with internal LOC have a high degree of influence over events & their own behaviour
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What are the weaknesses of free will?
Brain activity that determines the outcome of simple choice may predate our knowledge of having made a choice
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is alpha bias?
Psychological theory or research, when the differences between men & women are under consideration, exaggerate these differences, either to heighten the value of women or devalue them
Card 3
What is the Sociobiological theory?
Card 4
What is beta bias?
Card 5
How did Taylor et al (2000) challenge the Fight or Flight Response?
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