Italian Grade 5 Terms 0.0 / 5 ? MusicMusicOtherOther Created by: Sax boiCreated on: 05-10-20 17:01 Attacca Go straight to the next section of music 1 of 21 Dolente Sad, mournful 2 of 21 Dolore Greif 3 of 21 Doppio Movimento Twice as fast 4 of 21 Estinto As soft as possible, lifless 5 of 21 Incalzando Getting quicker 6 of 21 Lacrimoso Sad 7 of 21 Loco At normal pitch 8 of 21 Lunga Long 9 of 21 Lusingando Coaxing, in a sweet and purswasive style 10 of 21 Misura Measure 11 of 21 Ossia Or, alternitavely 12 of 21 Piacevole Pleasant 13 of 21 Piangevole Plaintive, in the style of a lament 14 of 21 Pochettino, poch Rather little 15 of 21 Rinforzando, smorz Reinforcing 16 of 21 Segue Go straight on 17 of 21 Smorzando, smorz Dying away in tone and speed 18 of 21 Teneramente, tenerezza Tenderly, tenderness 19 of 21 Tosto Swift, rapid 20 of 21 Volante Flying, fast 21 of 21
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