James I
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- Created by: Danielle
- Created on: 23-04-14 16:43
The Buckinghamshire Election (1604)
Sir John Fortesque (James wanted him to win) and Sir Francis Goodwin (Parliament wanted him to win) were up for the election. Goodwin won but he had debts so he wasn't allowed to take the seat in the Commons. Neither of them in the new election.
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The Hampton Court Conference (1604)
Puritans attempted to persuade James to have things more Puritan in the Church of England
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Richard Bancroft becomes Archbishop of Canterbury (1604)
Bancroft produced a list of cannons (rules) that included what should happen in church services that weren't to Puritan ways.
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The Form of Apology and Satisfaction (1604)
MPs created this to ensure James understood what their rights were. They wanted free speech, freedom from arrest while in Parliament and make religious changes without the permission of the King.
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The Treaty of London (1604)
England was at war with Spain when James became King. He wanted to make peace but the Dutch didn't agree. This was set up as a separate treaty so that Spain and England had peace.
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The Gunpowder Plot (1605)
Catholics were expected to attend Church of England services and pay recusancy fines if they didn't. This made a small group attempt this plot. It created an anti-Catholic feeling, even though this plot wasn't approved by all Catholics.
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The Bates Case (1606)
Bates refused to pay the goods duties set by James. This went to court and Bates ost. It resulted in new impositions being put on imports. It angered Parliament because James had full control of them.
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The Post-nati Case (1608)
It was illegal to hold land in England if you weren't English. Robert Calvin inherited some and his rights were challenged because he was a Scot. The court found that he would be able to hold the land, especially as James was a Scot.
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The Great Contract (1610)
Parliament offered to give James a sum of money if he gave up his feudal dues. It failed as Parliament weren't happy with the sum James insisted on. It may not have solved James' finances if it had worked.
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Authorised version of the King James Bible (1611)
New translation of the bible in England in response to the problems that Puritans had created. It appealed to all Christians.
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The Cockayne Project (1614)
Cockayne's plan was to sell undyed English cloth and sell it abroad. James was convinced to give him a monopoly on cloth exports believing to increase profit. It failed as the Dutch refused to buy it and engaged on a trade war.
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The Overbury Scandal (1614)
Overbury knew of his friend Robert Carr's affair. He was offered an ambassadorship by James to get away from it but refused and was placed in the Tower. He was given a poisened pie while he was there and died in 1615.
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The Book of Sports (1618)
This was a list of things that could be done on Sundays. It aimed to resolve conflict between Puritans and Catholics. The Puritans opposition was so strong that James had to withdraw it.
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The Protestations (1621)
Parliament wrote this in their journey. It said that they had freedom of speech (similar to the Form of Apology and Satisfaction). They expected James to not see it but he did and ripped it out, believing that it was wrong.
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The Trip to Madrid (1624)
Charles and Buckingham went to Spain without permission to get the Spanish Princess to marry Charles. It backfired and they embarrassed themselves as the Ambassador rejected their request.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Puritans attempted to persuade James to have things more Puritan in the Church of England
The Hampton Court Conference (1604)
Card 3
Bancroft produced a list of cannons (rules) that included what should happen in church services that weren't to Puritan ways.
Card 4
MPs created this to ensure James understood what their rights were. They wanted free speech, freedom from arrest while in Parliament and make religious changes without the permission of the King.
Card 5
England was at war with Spain when James became King. He wanted to make peace but the Dutch didn't agree. This was set up as a separate treaty so that Spain and England had peace.
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