James II, The Glorious Revolution 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryBritish monarchy - Tudors and StuartsA2/A-levelAQA Created by: PippaCreated on: 01-06-13 16:40 James II believed he had a ______ position when he came to the throne secure 1 of 16 James II was unpopular because he was a ______ catholic 2 of 16 In May 1685, the Duke of Argyll led the ________ in rebellion covenanters 3 of 16 July 1685, Monmouth was _______ executed 4 of 16 One reason why Monmouth was unpopular illegitimate 5 of 16 James' main supporters were the ____ tories 6 of 16 Birth of a male heir, ____ 1688 june 7 of 16 In April 1687, James II used his __________ power to repeal the Test Act suspending 8 of 16 2nd Declaration of Indulgence in _____ 1688 april 9 of 16 The letter of the ________ 7, 30th June 1688 immortal 10 of 16 William of Orange was the _______ of the Dutch Republic stadtholder 11 of 16 William of Orange was married into the Stuart family through ____ mary 12 of 16 Invitation to William to invade in _____ 1688 july 13 of 16 William was legitimate and ________ which made him popular protestant 14 of 16 William landed in Torbay in ____ 1688 november 15 of 16 James II tries to flee in _______ 1688, and eventually escapes december 16 of 16
How revolutionary, in the years to 1701, was the Glorious Revolution of 1688-89? 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating
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