Jeff Buckley - Grace (GCSE Revision) 0.0 / 5 ? MusicJeff BuckleyGCSEAll boards Created by: IevaPaunksnyte0Created on: 21-02-17 19:27 What is the tempo? 12/8 1 of 6 Does Jeff Buckley use overdubbing? Yes 2 of 6 What is the key of the piece? E minor 3 of 6 What does vocalisation mean? Wordless singing 4 of 6 How does Buckley reach the higher range of notes? What technique? By going falsetto 5 of 6 When was Grace released? 1994 6 of 6
GCSE Music Area of Study 3 - Jeff Buckley: 'Grace' from Grace 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating Teacher recommended
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