Joints 0.0 / 5 ? NursingMusculoskeletal System BioscienceUniversityNone Created by: ntygs19Created on: 11-03-20 21:56 Define joints? A point of contact between bones, and between cartilage and bones 1 of 25 What are the 2 ways that joints are classified? Structurally and Functionally 2 of 25 Joints are defined structurally based on their A_ characteristics Joints are defined structurally based on the ANATOMICAL characteristics 3 of 25 Structural classification is based on what 2 critera? 1. Type of CONNECTIVE TISSUES that binds the bone together . 2. The presence of absense of a SYNOVIAL CAVITY 4 of 25 What are the 2 types of connective tissue that joints could have? 1, collagen = fibrous joint 2. Cartilage = Cartilaginous joint 5 of 25 What is a SYNOVIAL CAVITY? Space between the articulating bones. 6 of 25 Joints are defined functionally based on their type of M_ Joints are defined functionally based on their type of MOVEMENT 7 of 25 Based on the above criteria, what are the 3 types of joint? 1. F_, 2.. C_, 3. S_ 1. Fibrous, 2. Cartilaginous, 3. Synovial 8 of 25 Describe characteristics of a FIBROUS joint - synovial cavity? type of connective tissue? Movement? No synovial cavity, bones bound by COLLAGEN, permit LITTLE/NO movement 9 of 25 Describe CARTILAGINOUS joints - presence of synovial cavity? What type of connective tissue? Movement? No synovial cavity, bones bound by CARTILAGE, Permit LITTLE/NO movement. 10 of 25 Describe SYNOVIAL joints - synovial cavity? What type of connective tissue -(hint - not collagen or cartilage) Presence of synovial cavity. Bones are united by the dense irregular connective tissue os an ARTICULAR CAPSULE, and after by LIGAMENTS 11 of 25 Do Synovial joints permit movement? Yes, allows free movement 12 of 25 In Synovial joints, a Synovial M_ secretes Synovial F_ which forms a thin, viscous film over the surfaces within the A_ C_ Synovial MEMBRANE secretes synovial FLUID which forms a thin, viscous film over the surfaces within the ARTICULAR CAPSULE. 13 of 25 1. G_ is a simply movement, the nearly F_ surfaces of bone move S_ to S_ and B_ to F_ GLIDING - Simple movements, the nearly FLAT surfaces of movement move SIDE-TO-SIDE and BACK-AND-FORTH 14 of 25 2. ANGULAR - describe this movement? There is an increase or decreae in the angle between bones 15 of 25 Name 4 examples of angular movement Extension, Flexion, Hyperextension, Abduction/Adduction, Circumduction 16 of 25 3. ROTATION - describe this movement? A bone moves around it's own LONGITUDINAL AXIS 17 of 25 4. SPECIAL MOVEMENTS Only occur in certain joints. 18 of 25 Synovial joints are divided in 6 categories: P_, H_, P_, C_, S- and B_ & S_ Plane; Hinge; Pivot; Condyloid; Saddle; and Ball & Socket 19 of 25 Describe the characteristics of a PLANE synovial joint Articular surfaces are flat. Bones GLIDE back and forth and side to side. 20 of 25 HINGE Synovial joing: The C_ surface of one bone fits into the C_ surface of another. Motion is _ around _ axis The CONVEX surface of one bone fits into the CONCAVE surface of another. Motion is ANGULAR around ONE axis 21 of 25 Describe the characteristics of PIVOT synovial joint. What kind of movement? a round or pointed surface of one bone fits into a ring formed by another bone and a ligament. Motion is ROTATIONAL 22 of 25 CONDYLOID synovial joint: An O_ P_ of one joint fits into an O_ C_ of another. Motion is _ around _ axis An OVAL PROJECTION of one bone fits into a OVAL CAVITY of another. Motion is ANGULAR around TWO axis 23 of 25 Describe the characteristics of SADDLE synovial joint The articular surface of one bone is shaped like a saddle, and the other bone fits into it. 24 of 25 Describe the characteristics of BALL & SOCKET synovial joint The ball-shaped surgace of one bone fits into the cuplike depression of another. Motion is around 3 axis. 25 of 25
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