Louis' refusal to undo his vetoes of several laws, including the deportation of refractory priests in Apr., and the disbanding of Louis' armies and the creation of a federes army (20,000) in Jun.
2 of 14
How many sans-culottes stormed the Tuileries?
3 of 14
What were the outcomes of the journee of 20th June 1792?
1) Louis lost his right to veto. 2) The federes army was created, along with 'La Marseillaise'- the French national anthem.
4 of 14
What year was the journee of 10th August?
5 of 14
What caused the journee of 10th August 1792?
Danton and Hebert took over the Paris Commune, after the Brunswick Manifesto caused the mayor of Paris, Pietion, to call for the Assembly to declare a republic.
6 of 14
How many sans-culottes stormed the Tuileries?
30,000- also consisted of la garde nationale. Almost 600 of Louis' Swiss Guard were murdered.
7 of 14
What were the outcomes of the journee of 10th August 1792?
The fall of constitutional monarchy- Louis was arrested by the Legislative Assembly and shortly after was declared Citizen Louis Capet.
8 of 14
What year was the journee of 2nd June?
9 of 14
What caused the journee of 2nd June 1793?
Backlash against the Girondins (concerning the war, Dumouriez's defection and Marat's trial) caused Robespierre to call for the sans-culottes to rise up in insurrection.
10 of 14
How many sans-culottes surrounded the Convention?
80,000 sans-culottes and National Guardsmen
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What did the sans-culottes want?
The removal of Girondin ministers, a maximum price cap on all essential goods, the creation of a sans-culottes army and state-run arms factories.
12 of 14
What were the outcomes of the journee of 2nd June 1793?
29 Girondin ministers were arrested, which left the path clear for Jacobin political dominance.
13 of 14
What else did the sans-culottes achieve in 1793?
1) August- levee en masse after they demanded greater war effort. 2) September- armee revolutionnaire of 6,000 recruited in Paris/30,000 in the provinces. 3) Law of General Maximum- removed free trade.
14 of 14
Other cards in this set
Card 2
What caused the journee of 20th June 1792?
Louis' refusal to undo his vetoes of several laws, including the deportation of refractory priests in Apr., and the disbanding of Louis' armies and the creation of a federes army (20,000) in Jun.
Card 3
How many sans-culottes stormed the Tuileries?
Card 4
What were the outcomes of the journee of 20th June 1792?
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