WJEC/Eduqas Judaism: Religious Studies GCSE

  • Created by: myattr15
  • Created on: 21-06-19 18:55
House of assembly. A building for Jewish public prayer, study and assembly
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The place where God's presence rests and can be felt.
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Day of spiritual renewal and rest. Begins at sunset on Friday and ends Saturday at nightfall.
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'fit' or 'proper'. The foods permitted to be eaten according to Leviticus 11. It is also used to refer to the purity of ritual objects such as Torah scrolls.
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This term has a mix of meanings but often used to refer to duties (such as 613 in the Torah) and good deeds.
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The first five books of Moses. Regarded as the holiest books of the Tenakh.
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Promise or agreement made between two parties. Examples include the covenant between God and Abraham & God and Moses
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The anointed one. Some Jews believe the Messiah will bring a new age/era for humankind. This includes rebuilding the Temple and bringing an age of universal peace.
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Pikuach Nefesh
Saving a life. May include breaking a mitzvah, e.g working on Shabbat or eating non-kosher food.
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Olam Ha-Ba
The world to come - afterlife.
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Made of 2 leather boxes, each containing part of the Shema prayer. The tefillah shel rosh is bound to the head with straps and the tefillah shel yad is bound to the upper arm with straps.
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Four-cornered garment with fringes (tzizit). There are two types: tallit gadol (large) and tallit katan (small).
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Tallit gadol
A large garment of wool or silk worn across the back, often called a prayer shawl.
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Tallit katan
Worn under everyday clothes with the tzizit hanging down at the corners.
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A head covering which can be of different designs and colours.
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Raised platform which Torah scrolls are read from.
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Aron Hakodesh
Also known as the ark. The place where Torah scrolls are kept. During some prayers, the doors and curtains of the ark may be opened or closed.
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Torah scrolls
The scrolls containing the Torah. Made from animal skin and handwritten by a trained scribe. Attached to two staves known as the tree of life. Wrapped and decorated in silver when not in use.
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Ner Tamid
Often called the eternal lamp. Placed above the ark and always burns and should never be put out.
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The community of worshippers (usually 10 people) sometimes required during prayer.
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Bar Mitzvah
The celebration for Jewish boys on the Shabbat after their 13th birthday. A sign of entering manhood and reaching the age of religious maturity.
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Bat Mitzvah
The celebration for girls at the age of 12 for reaching the age of religious maturity. Some may have a bat chayil (daughter of worth) instead.
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Card 2


The place where God's presence rests and can be felt.



Card 3


Day of spiritual renewal and rest. Begins at sunset on Friday and ends Saturday at nightfall.


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Card 4


'fit' or 'proper'. The foods permitted to be eaten according to Leviticus 11. It is also used to refer to the purity of ritual objects such as Torah scrolls.


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Card 5


This term has a mix of meanings but often used to refer to duties (such as 613 in the Torah) and good deeds.


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