Kennan's Long Telegram 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryCold WarASAll boards Created by: RosiePearsonCreated on: 04-05-16 18:41 What did Kennan assume about Soviet leaders? They felt surrounded by capitalist enemies 1 of 5 What did the tone of the Telegram lead to? The start of anti-communism in America 2 of 5 What were some recommendations from the Telegram? Focus military strategy on USSR. Restore economic and political health to Europe. Fill power vacuum in Germany and Japan. Act as Chief Defender 3 of 5 What was later claimed by the State Department? That the intent behind the Telegram was not to start anti-communist attitudes 4 of 5 What did the Long Telegram lead to? The Truman Doctrine and Marshall Aid 5 of 5
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