Key Dates Weimar Germany 1918-1923 4.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? HistoryGermany 1918-1945GCSEEdexcel Created by: SnowLeopard1Created on: 26-09-16 21:29 November 11th 1918 Armistice 1 of 10 November 1918 Kaiser forced to abdicate 2 of 10 Summer 1915 Spartacists founded 3 of 10 January 1919 Spartacists uprising 4 of 10 March 1920 Kapp Putsch 5 of 10 1923 Economic Crisis/ Invasion of the Ruhr/ Hyperinflation 6 of 10 4th October 1923 Munich Putsch started 7 of 10 8th November 1923 Hitler and 600 Storm troopers interrupted meeting with Kahr 8 of 10 9th November 1923 Hitler, Ludendorff and 3000 Nazis marched into Munich 9 of 10 11th November 1923 Hitler found and arrested 10 of 10
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