Macbeth: key terminology 0.0 / 5 ? English LiteratureMacbethGCSEAQA Created by: mikinikiCreated on: 21-09-21 17:49 opposite/contrast antithesis 1 of 10 a remark only heard by audience aside 2 of 10 when audience knows things that the characters don't dramatic irony 3 of 10 a line of verse- w 5 metrical feet, each w 1 unstressed syllable followed by 1 stressed syllable iambic pentametre 4 of 10 2 things closely placed w contrasting effect juxtaposition 5 of 10 long speech by 1 actor monologue 6 of 10 a dominant/recurring idea motifs 7 of 10 a person/thing w contradictory features/qualities paradox 8 of 10 a group of words relating to a common theme/motif semantic field 9 of 10 speaking one's thoughts aloud soliloquy 10 of 10
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