Poetic Techniques Crossword 0.0 / 5 ? English Language & LiteraturePoetryAll LevelsAll boards Created by: fr0ggy99Created on: 17-02-17 09:49 Informal language used in normal everyday language, does not seem literary. Colloquial 1 of 18 A sentance which continues without a pause beyond the end of a line or stanza. Enjambment 2 of 18 Repetition of the same or similar sounds at the beginning of words or in stressed syllables of a phrase. Alliteration 3 of 18 Giving an object a personal nature or characteristic, or representation of abstract qualities in human for,. Personification 4 of 18 When two elements are placed close together with contrasting effect. Juxtaposition 5 of 18 Expression where the meaning can not be deduced from individual words Idiom 6 of 18 An authorative command Imperative 7 of 18 The general attitude giving a sense of mood and feeling Tone 8 of 18 A device whereby one thing is used to represent or symbolise something else. Metaphor 9 of 18 A place or situation which reflects the characteristics of something much larger Microcosm 10 of 18 Consonant sound made by a quick sudden release of air Plosive 11 of 18 An indirect reference to a place, person or event allusion 12 of 18 Old fashion language no longer in everyday use Archaic 13 of 18 The repetition of a word or phrase at the start of a sentence Anaphora 14 of 18 An element seving as a warning or caution for a future event Foreshadowing 15 of 18 Visually descriptive language Imagery 16 of 18 The comparing of one thing to another using "like" or "as" to create a vivid image Simile 17 of 18 Deliberate organisation of words to create specific sound effects Sound Pattern 18 of 18
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