Key vocab and Keywords:AS: Skeletal and muscular systems and cardiovascular and respiratory systems

Pulmonary Circuit
circulation of blood through the pulmonary artery to the lungs and pulmonary vein back to the heart
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Systemic Circuit
Circulation of blood through the aorta to the body and vena cava back to the heart
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Oxygented Blood
blood saturated with oxygen and nutrients such as glucose
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Deoxygented Blood
Blood depleted of oxygen, saturated with carbon dioxide and waste products
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Conduction System
a set of structures in the cardiac muscle which create and transmit an electrical impulse, forcing the atria and ventricles to contract
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the capacity of the heartto generate its own electrical impulse which causes the cardiac muscle to contract
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the relaxation phase of cardiac muscle where the chambers fill with blood
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the contraction phase of cardiac muscle where the blood is forcibly ejected into the aorta and pulmonary artery
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Heart rate
the numbers of times the heart beats per minuite
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Stroke volume
the volume of blood ejected from the left ventricle per beat
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Cardiac output
the volume of blood ejected from the left ventricle per min
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a resting heart rate below 60bpm
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Venous Return
the return of the blood to the right atria through the veins
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a low to moderate intestity of exercise within a performers aerobic capacity
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a high intesity of exercise above a performers aerobic capacity that will induce fatigue
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Frank Starlings mechanisms (law)
increased venous return leads to an increase stroke volume due to an increased stretch of the ventrical walls and therefore force of contraction
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Cardiac Control Centre (CCC)
a control centre in the medulla oblongata responcible for HR regulation
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Sympathetic Nervous System
part of the autonomic nervous system responcible for increasing HR, specifically during exercise
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Parasympathetic nervous system
part of the autonomic nervous system responcible for decreasingHR, specially during recovery
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widening of arteries, arterioles and pre-capillary sphincters
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narrowing of arteries, arterioles and pre-capillary sphincters
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Blood Pooling
accumulation of blood in the veins due to gravitational pull and lack of veneous return
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Active Recovery
low intesity activity post exercise to maintain elevated heart and breathing rates
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Vascular Shunt Mechanism
the redistribuation of cardiac output around the body from rest to excerise which increases the % of blood flow to the skeletal muscles
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blood vessels carrying oxygented blood from the arteries to the capillaries beds, which can vasodilate and vasocontrict to regulate blood flow
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Pre-capillary sphincters
rings of smooth muscle at the junction between arterioles and capillaries, which can dilate or constrint to control blood flow through the capillary bed
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Vasomotor Control Centre (VCC)
the control centre in the medulla oblongata responcible for cardiac output distrubution
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Vasomotor Tone
the partical state of smooth muscle contriction in the arterial walls
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clusters of tiny sacs covered in a dense network of capillaries which together serve as the external site for gaseous exchange
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Gaseous Exchange
the movement of oxygen from the aveoli into the blood stream and carbon dioxide from the blood stream into the aveoli
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an iron rich globular protrin in red blood cells which can chemically combine with four o2 molecules to form oxyhaemogoblin
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the essential gas required for aerobic energy production in the muscle cells
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Carbon Dioxide
the waste product of aerobic energy production in the muscle cells
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Breathing rate
the number of inspirations or expirations per min
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Tidal volume
the volume of air inspiring and expiring per breath
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Minute ventilation
the volume of air inspired or expired per min. TV x f =VE
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Respiratory Control Centre (RCC)
a control centre in the medulla onlongata responcible for respiratory regulation
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Inspiratory Centre (IC)
a control centre within the RCC responcible for inspiration
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Expiratory Centre (EC)
a control centre within the RCC responcible for expiration
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Partial Pressure
the pressure exerted by an individual gas held in a mixture of gases
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the movement of gases across a membrane down a gradient from an area of high pressure/ concentration to an area of low pressure/ concentration
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Diffusion gradient
the difference in areas of pressure/ concentration from one side of a membrane to the other
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the combining of oxygen with haemogoblin to form oxyhaemogoblin
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the release of oxygen from haebogoblin for gaseous exchange
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Oxyhaemogoblin dissociation curve
a graph shows the relationship between p02 and the % saturation of haemogoblin
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Bohr Shift
a move in the oxyhaemogoblin dissociation curve to the right caused by increased acidity in the blood stream
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Circulation of blood through the aorta to the body and vena cava back to the heart


Systemic Circuit

Card 3


blood saturated with oxygen and nutrients such as glucose


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Blood depleted of oxygen, saturated with carbon dioxide and waste products


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


a set of structures in the cardiac muscle which create and transmit an electrical impulse, forcing the atria and ventricles to contract


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