Key Idea 6.3-Rapproachment with France and Key Idea 6.4-rearmament, NATO and policies towards the USA, USSR and GDR

  • Created by: Heather
  • Created on: 20-03-15 19:19
When did Adenauer and de Gaulle first meet?
In 1958
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When did Adenauer and de Gaulle meet to mark rapprochment and where?
1963, -Paris
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Why is where they meet significant?
As the last German chancellor to enter Paris was Hitler but he wasnt invited,
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What does this show about the success of rapprochment?
It was a success,
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For Western Europe policies, what did the FRG join in what month of 1949?
-October 1949, -the Organisation of European Economic Co-Operation (OEEC)
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What did the FRG join in what month of 1951?
-April 1951, -the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC)
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What treaty was signed in 1957 and what did the FRG join as a consequence?
-The Treaty of Rome, -the European Economic Community (EEC)
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As all these organisations are economic, what does this improve?
It improves trade and prosperity and helps towards Germany's Economic Miracle with an 8% increase
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In Western Europe, what were there active discussion about?
A European Defence Force,
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In 1957, what did he oversee involving the FRG?
He oversaw the plebisicite which allowed the Saar to be reincorporated into the FRG
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What does this show about the success of western European policies?
It was very successful,
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For policies towards the USA, what was NATO and when was it created?
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation in 1949
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When did the FRG join?
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When was the recreation of German armies?
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What was the name of the German army and what were they described as?
The Bundeswehr was presented as an army of 'citizens in uniform',
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Did all Western Germans want a new army and what does this show about USA's policies success?
Not all West Germans wanted a new army due to the past- This shows it was partly unsuccessful,
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For policies towards the USSR, when did Stalin send a series of notes to Adenauer?
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What did these notes suggest by Stalin?
The possibility of a united neutral Germany,
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What do historians say about the truthfulness in the notes?
They say that in the first note, Stalin may have meant his offer genuinely but many historians believe he wasnt,
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What was Adenauers reaction to the notes?
To reject and snub Stalin and his notes,
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In 1955, what did Adenauer do?
He went against the advice of his collegues and the Hallstein Doctrine and returned tens of thousands of German prisoners of war held by the Soviets,
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Was the releasing of tens of thousands of German prisoners popular?
Yes it was very popular with the public,
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Overall, was his policies towards the USSR successful and why?
Quite unsuccessful as although the releasing of prisoners was an advantage, he ignored collegues and the Hallstein Doctrine and snubbed movements towards a netural German,
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For policies towards the GDR, what was Adenauer's attitude towards the GDR?
He refused to recognise the GDR as a separate state or to have diplomatic relations with any powers that did recognise it,
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What did Adenauer compare the GDR to?
A concentration camp,
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What policy was this known as?
The Hallstein Doctrine,
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What did West Germans call East Germany?
'the zone'
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When was the Uprising in the GDR and why?
June 1953 after Stalins death,
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What was Adenauer's response to the Uprising and why?
To ignore it as he didnt want to risk Western intervention so abandoned his fellow countrymen,
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Was this response successful and why?
It was very unsuccessful as it proved the FRG to be weak,
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When was the Berlin Wall created?
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What was Adenauer's attutdue towards it?
He does nothing and ignores it,
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What was the overall success of the FRG's policies towards the GDR?
It was most unsuccessful as he ignored the GDR, ignored the 1957 GDR uprising and ignored the 1961 Berlin Wall creation,
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


When did Adenauer and de Gaulle meet to mark rapprochment and where?


1963, -Paris

Card 3


Why is where they meet significant?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What does this show about the success of rapprochment?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


For Western Europe policies, what did the FRG join in what month of 1949?


Preview of the front of card 5
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