Developing mental and physical capacity, developing skills and techiques, making and applying decisions, evaluating and improving,making informed choices on healthy active lifestyles
1 of 6
Describe developing mental and physical capacity
developing strength stamina flexibility etc and having the mental determination to succeed
2 of 6
Describe making informed choices about healthy, active lifestyles
identifying what is good and suitable for yourself to make it beneficial
3 of 6
Describe making and applying decisions
adapting ideas in response to certain circumstances
4 of 6
Describe developing skills and techniques
adapting skills into techniques and developing a range of skills
5 of 6
Describe evaluating and improving skills
analysing and identifying strengths and weaknesses and improving on them
6 of 6
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Describe developing mental and physical capacity
developing strength stamina flexibility etc and having the mental determination to succeed
Card 3
Describe making informed choices about healthy, active lifestyles
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