Key terms 5.0 / 5 based on 3 ratings ? ICTAllA2/A-levelWJEC Created by: VictoriaCreated on: 03-03-14 09:34 49537810621 Across 1. Where a series of computers are networked together and they each work on solving the same problem. Each computer shares data processing, storage and bandwidth in order to solve a single problem. (11, 9) 5. A standard set of rules that have been established to allow the exchange of large files over the internet (3) 7. Physical configuration of a network, which shows how it is linked together (7, 8) 9. Large archive of organised data that can be used for data mining for decision making. Access to large amounts of past data- can recognise patterns/ trends (4, 9) Down 2. Processing information to allow you to see trends or patterns in the data (1) To plan new books to buy for popular demand (can determine future lending) Observe lending habits (4, 6) 3. Using communication software/hardware to avoid a journey (11) 4. A staged (Mathematical) process which removes repeated groups of data and inconsistencies (prevents data redundancy). (4, 13) 6. Unique field that is used to identify a record/ table (7, 3) 8. A field of one table which is also the primary key of another table that is used to establish relationships/ links between tables. (7, 3) 10. Rules or an agreement drawn up by the senior management or their advisors which sets out what an employee is/is not allowed to do in the course of their employment, and what happens when the rules are not followed (4, 2, 7)
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