Key Terms - Product Design

  • Created by: Zoe
  • Created on: 02-06-13 14:05

1. What is "Quality Assurance"?

  • It checks the systems which make the products before during and after manufacture.
  • The observation of a product being made to ensure that it is the right size
  • A series of checks which are carried out on a product as it is made
  • A tick list of health and safety issues
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2. What is "Quality Control"?

  • A series of checks which are carried out on a product as it is made
  • Controlled assessment of health and safety issues for staff
  • Checks before and after production

3. What does "CAM" stand for?

  • Computer Aided Machinary
  • Computer Aided Manufacture
  • Computer Advanced Machinary

4. What is "Market Pull"?

  • The need/requirement for a new product or a solution to a problem
  • Its the same as technology push
  • When the market is able to get rid of a product off the market

5. What is "Technology push"?

  • When consumers are giving possible improvements to the designer to improve their product
  • Advances in technology and the way in which these are introduced to the public / consumers
  • When technology has become so outdated that it reaches the decline stage of the product life cycle


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