A person who tries to or succeeds in breaking into a secure computer system
1 of 10
The process of trying to break into a secure computer system
2 of 10
Uninterruptible Power Supply - a backup power supply (generator and battery) which will keep the computer running should the mains power supply fail
3 of 10
A series of characters chosen by the user that are used to check the identity of the user when they require access to an ICT system
4 of 10
User ID
A name or number that is used to identify a certain user of the network or system
5 of 10
A piece of software, hardware or both that is able to protect a network from hackers
6 of 10
Copies of software and data kept so that the data can be recovered should there be a total loss of the ICT system
7 of 10
The process of coding files before they are sent over a network to protect them from hackers. Also the process of coding files stored on a computer so that if the computer is stolen, they cannot be read.
8 of 10
Risk Analysis
The process of assessing the likelihood of certain events happening and estimating the cost of the damage they could cause and what can be done at reasonable cost to eliminate or minimise the risk
9 of 10
Disaster Recovery Programme
A plan that restores ICT facilites in as short a time as possible in order to minimise the loss caused bt the complete or partial loss of an organisation's ICT facilities
10 of 10
Other cards in this set
Card 2
The process of trying to break into a secure computer system
Card 3
Uninterruptible Power Supply - a backup power supply (generator and battery) which will keep the computer running should the mains power supply fail
Card 4
A series of characters chosen by the user that are used to check the identity of the user when they require access to an ICT system
Card 5
A name or number that is used to identify a certain user of the network or system
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