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- Created by: Lili1806
- Created on: 23-03-17 12:32
Smart phone
A phone offering advanced features e.g. the ability to send e-mails, surf the internet
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having the ability to do many differnt things using the same device
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SD cards
Secure digtial-a type of flash memory card which store up to 2GB of a data
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SDHC cards
secure digital high capicity- a type of flash memory card and they are idal for video carmeras becuase they can store up to 32 GB of data
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file format
the particular code that a file is stored in. different softwate and devices use different formats, which can cause problems if a device cannot decode the information
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the ability of a device to communicate and share information with another device
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allows the exchange of data over short, distance from fixed
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wirless fidelity. It is similar to Bluetooth in that it is used to exchange data, but the singials can travel further distances
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Globla positioning system - a navigational system used in many devices which give current locations, durections from current location, directions from current locations to specifed destination.
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unser interface
the way in which a user interacts with a system such as computer or mobile phone e.g. keypad, screens, menu and icons
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repitituve stain injury-damange caused to the muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves and joints, usually because of the same action
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a set of rules that peolple try to abide by out of repect for other people around them
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Public Domain
materials that are avaliable for anyone to use for any purpose
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desltop computer
a stationary computer, it is generally more powerful and has a larger stroage capcity than a portabel computer
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portable computer
desinged to allow the user to use the computer on the ,ove
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te techncial detials of a device or system
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primary storage
built in sotrage-desinged to be directly accessed by the central processing unit
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devices connected together to allow communication and exchnage data
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a external devices together to allow communications and exchage of data
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programs that give instructions to a computer and which allow the user to carry out different tasks
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Future proofing
anticpating future developments when you buy something in the hope that it will not go out of date quickly
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Real time
the actual time during which something takes place, without noticeable delays
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the use of icons or text to potray mood or facial expression
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this technology is used to make telephone calls via the internet
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Third-generation wireless communincation allows high speed wirless data transfer
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the time delay between the moment something is initiated and the moment it becomes detectable
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Internet services provider (ISP)
a company that provides internet access to its customers
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Social networking site
an online community where people can communicate and share information
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allows users to navigate around a product
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short for 'web log' a shared online journal where people can post diary entires about their presonal experiences and hobbies
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a software application for retreiving, presenting and navigating information resources in the world wide web
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unwanted or junk email sent to lots of recipents at the same time
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a set rules used by computers to communicate with each other acrooss a network
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Personalised leanring
leanring that is tailored towards the individual to allow them to make progress
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working together with other people
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Information overload
having so much information avaliable that the user feels overwhelmed and is unable to take any of it in, which could lead to stress
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copying someone else's work and presenting it as your own
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a program desgined to cause other programs on a computer to malfunction or stop wokring altogether
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tricking somone for personal gain or to damage them
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Peer-to-peer (P2P)
sharing files among groups of epople who are logged on to a file-sharing network
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someone who gains unathorised access to a computer in order to obtain dat stored on it
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Idenitiy theft
a crime that involves someone pretending to be another person in order to steal money or obtain other benefits
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buying and selling goods electronically, usually over the internet
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the increasing integration of economies and societies around the world, particualry through international trade
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the physical parts of a computer system
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a miniature electronic circuit used to control computers and most other electronic devices
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an automated method of recognsing a person based on physical charateristcs
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a small portable laptop computer desinged for wirless communcation and access to the internet
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SD cards
secure digital cards are one type of flash memory card which store up to 2 GB of data
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allows the exchange of data over short distances from fixed and mobile devices
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a standard method of connecting devices
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Flash memory card
used for fast and easily transferable information storage in digital devices
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Cyber cafe
a cafe or coffe shop that has a number of personal computers connected to the internet and avaliable for use by customers
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a venue that offers a WIFI internet connection
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Cloud computing
a system in which all computer programs and data is stored on a central server owned by a company and accessed virtually
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Web app
any application that can be accessed using a web browser
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Sat nav
a device, usually in a car, that gives direction based on information recieved from a series of statellites
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when one device is developed to carry out functions tht were orginally performed by several different devices
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provides information about the content of a digtial item
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to attach the exat geographical coordinates of longitude and lattidue to a digital image, giving the location of where it was taken
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High definiation TV
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High definiation
the picture on a TV screen is made of lines of pixels, HD produces a clearer, sharper picture
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Required for connecting devices to show high defination vidoes
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a system designed to prevent unauthorised access to your computer when connected to a network such as the internet
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software that can installed on your computer without your knowledge, which collects information about your logins and passowrds and sends detials to another computer on the internet
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Internet Protocol
the personal address of your computer, so that servers know where to send the information you havw requested
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for security, data is translated into a secret code accoridng to a set of rules in a speical 'key'
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gives the creator of an original work exclusive rights regarding that work, for a certian period of time
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digital rights management
allows the copyright holder or the owner of the media control over the number of viewings, plays and copies, and even devices the media can be played or viewed on
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content is sent is compressed form over the internet and displayed by the viewer in real time
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
having the ability to do many differnt things using the same device
Card 3
Secure digtial-a type of flash memory card which store up to 2GB of a data

Card 4
secure digital high capicity- a type of flash memory card and they are idal for video carmeras becuase they can store up to 32 GB of data

Card 5
the particular code that a file is stored in. different softwate and devices use different formats, which can cause problems if a device cannot decode the information

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