
Turn over for the definition of the term and a brief explanation of it.

The oneness and unity of Allah. Links to the nature of Allah, and shows His omnipotence and superiority over anything else
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A successor of Muhammed. Sunnis and Shi'as disagreed over this and it led to the major split in Islam
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Belief in six articles of faith in the Sunni tradition. They are: tawhid, angels, books, rasul, akhirah, predestination
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All the events have been willed by Allah, who has a plan set out that people must follow
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Successor of Muhammed in the Shi'a tradition. They believe in the twelve Imams and that the twelfth and final one is currently in occultation (waiting to be revealed)
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Communication between Allah and humans through channels like books, angels, and prophets
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Divine light which Allah created angels from. They are therefore perfect and were created with the purpose of serving Allah. They are messengers and also note the actions of Muslims for the Day of Judgement
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Predestination - the belief that Allah has a plan set out that must happen
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A middle way between believing in free will and predestination. Argues that Allah created actions of humans, and humans use free will to decide the right course of action
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Allah's foreknowledge of things/events. Link to al-Qadr (predestination)
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Hell. A place of punishment and eternal suffering due to someone's sinful actions in life. For sinners this is a place of purification, and Allah may choose to move people to heaven later
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Heaven. A constant state of peace. Muhammed named the eight doors into al-Jannah. This shows that people can access heaven in different ways, e.g: giving to charity (as-Sadaqah), going on Hajj (al-Hajj) or obedience (al-Iman)
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The belief in life after death and heaven and hell. Muslims believe that on the Day of Judgement, the dead will be resurrected and Allah will decide if they go to al-Jannah or Jahannan
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The period of waiting between death and the Day of Judgement. Muslims believe that in this time the soul might be affected in good/bad ways depending on the person's life, or the soul is given a temporary body which will be light or dark
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Being killed in the defence of or struggle for your religion. A death in this way will cause the person to enter al-Jannah immediately
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The unity and community of Muslims. Shown through many practices such as the festivals like Id-ul Fitr and also Jummah prayer on Fridays in the mosques
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A Muslim's intention to worship Allah with a pure heart. Reinforced through the symbolic actions and ritual of Wudu before Salah prayer
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Shi'a prostate and go face down on items made of natural materials (made by Allah) when praying. Ground is considered pure.
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Private prayer of Muslims, where it is more personal and they may bring their concerns to Allah
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Pieces of white cloth worn instead of everyday clothes while on the Hajj. This shows that everyone is the same in Allah's eyes, regardless of wealth and background. It is also the state of holiness that someone enters when they enter Mecca
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Circling the Kaaba seven times.
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The blessing said over an animal about to be sacrificed. Pertinent at the time of celebrating Id-ul-Adha after Hajj
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Part of Shi'a Muslims' ten obligatory acts. An Islamic tax on 20 percent of a person's earnings. Goes to help the poor and towards Islamic schools
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The minimum amount of earnings a person must have to be expected to pay Zakah. Islam recognises that while Zakah is important, some Muslims are financially unable to pay it
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Card 2





Card 3


A successor of Muhammed. Sunnis and Shi'as disagreed over this and it led to the major split in Islam


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Card 4


Belief in six articles of faith in the Sunni tradition. They are: tawhid, angels, books, rasul, akhirah, predestination


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Card 5


All the events have been willed by Allah, who has a plan set out that people must follow


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