Keywords 0.0 / 5 ? Religious StudiesChristianityIslamGCSEEdexcel Created by: Luna_WolfgirlCreated on: 28-04-16 13:27 Agression Attacking without being provoked 1 of 23 Bullying Intimidating/frightening people weaker than yourself 2 of 23 Conflict Resolution Bringing a peace or struggle to a peaceful conclusion 3 of 23 Explotation Taking advantage of a weaker group 4 of 23 Forgiveness Stopping blaming someone and/or pardoning someone fort what they have done wrong 5 of 23 Just war A war which is fought for the right reasons and in a right way 6 of 23 Pacifism The belief that all disputes should be settled by peaceful means 7 of 23 Reconciliation Bringing people together who were opposed to each other 8 of 23 Respect Treating a person or their feelings with consideration 9 of 23 The United Nations An international body set up to promote world peace and cooperation 10 of 23 Weapons of mass destruction Weapons which can destroy large areas and amount of people 11 of 23 World peace The ending of war throughout the whole world (the basic aim of the United Nations) 12 of 23 Addiction A recurring compulsion to engage an a activity regardless of its negative effects 13 of 23 Capital punishment The death penalty for a crime of offence 14 of 23 Crime An act against the law 15 of 23 Deterrence The idea that punishments should be of such a nature that they will put people off (deter) committing crimes 16 of 23 Judgement The act of judging people and their actions 17 of 23 Law Rules made by Parliament and enforceable by the courts 18 of 23 Reform The idea that punishments should try to change criminals so that they will not commit crimes again 19 of 23 Rehabilitaion Restore to normal life 20 of 23 Responsibility Being responsible for ones actions 21 of 23 Retribution The idea that punishments should make criminals pay for what they have done wrong 22 of 23 Sin An act against the will of God 23 of 23
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