keywords for red scare 0.0 / 5 ? Historycivil right in USA red scareIGCSEEdexcel Created by: spidermonkeyCreated on: 10-04-21 15:30 Army mccarthy hearings McCarthy congressional investigation of supposed communist spies in US army . came across badly in hearings and lost much of its great influence 1 of 15 blockade when a country or area is cut off in some way from other countries or area 2 of 15 capitalism economic system, in which the government does not interfere in or regulate the economy and in which free trade is favoured 3 of 15 cold war period of extreme tension between USA and USSR in which both sides stockpiled nuclear weapon and allies but never came to blows 4 of 15 democrats american political party that from the 1939 increasingly favoured federal government intervention to help the less fortunate 5 of 15 doctrine a set of beliefs or ideas 6 of 15 FBI federal bureau of investigation , headed from 1935 - 1972 by J edgar hoover , focused on communists during the cold war 7 of 15 hollywood 10 group of 10 writers and directors in the film capital of united states , sentenced to jail by HUAC for their communist associations 8 of 15 HUAC house un- american activities committee , established in 1930 to investigate people such as communities who were likely to threaten US society 9 of 15 McCarthyism fanatical anti - communism 10 of 15 reds communists 11 of 15 red scare period of hysterical anti - communism 12 of 15 secretary of defence member of presidency cabinet heading the defence department 13 of 15 secretary of state member of president cabinet , heading the state department , responsible for foreign affairs 14 of 15 state department US federal government department equal to britian foreign office , in foreign relations 15 of 15
McCarthyism and the Red Scare - A Divided Union - Civil Rights in the USA 1945-74 - Edexcel IGCSE History 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating
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