Keywords quiz 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologyApproachesASWJEC Created by: leahgreenCreated on: 19-02-14 17:37 Both the participant and the person recording the information are unaware of the full extent of the experiment Double Blind 1 of 16 A study measured over a eriod of time and recorded rather than remebered Prospective Study 2 of 16 A study that measures past events Retrospective Study 3 of 16 Refers to the ability to comprehend that some objects are more distant than others Depth Perception 4 of 16 A stimulus that is unclear of the answer, for example, how many beans are in the jar Ambiguous Stimulus 5 of 16 The idea that we have no free will Deterministic 6 of 16 The false belief that a person must do something Mustabatory Thinking 7 of 16 ________ behaviour is when the behaviour is very different from others behaviour Consensus 8 of 16 A kind of attributional bias where individual make internal attributions about their successes and external ones about their losses Self Serving Bias 9 of 16 A defense mechanism that makes the thought unconscious and isused to repress trauma partcularly beofre the age of 5, such as birth Repression 10 of 16 To come up with what appears to be a logical argument Rationalise/Rational Thinking 11 of 16 Stages that we go through suggesting our mental processes and personality are developed 'sexually' Psychosexual Stages 12 of 16 A complex in young boys involving castration anxiety and jealousy towards the father Oedipus Complex 13 of 16 The creative, instinctual side of the mind Life Drive 14 of 16 The argument that we develop our personality and learn behaviour Nurture 15 of 16 Giving someone rewards to encourage behaviour Positive Reinforcement 16 of 16
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