Khrushchev and Brezhnev economy

  • Created by: elle1999
  • Created on: 23-01-17 19:41
When was the Seven Year Plan and what did it focus on?
1959-65. Consumer goods and mineral and energy industries. Poor quality of consumer goods.
1 of 7
When was the VLS, what did it focus on and how important was it?
1954. Abolsihing MTS, greater power for collectives, land in Kazakhstn. Production increased but land unsuitable and low productivity.
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When were Kosygin reforms and what did they do?
1965. Attempted to encourage more private enterprise and encourage more incentives.
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When was military industrial complex and what percentage of economy did it take up?
1973, 18%.
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When was Ninth Five Year Plan and what did it focus on?
1971-75. Consumer goods- 1985-80% of families had TVs
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What were Brezhnev's agricultural reforms?
Reversed Khrushchev, US wheat import, food doubled in price.
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What were Andropov's reforms?
Removal of corruption, alcoholism and absentees.
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Card 2


1954. Abolsihing MTS, greater power for collectives, land in Kazakhstn. Production increased but land unsuitable and low productivity.


When was the VLS, what did it focus on and how important was it?

Card 3


1965. Attempted to encourage more private enterprise and encourage more incentives.


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Card 4


1973, 18%.


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Card 5


1971-75. Consumer goods- 1985-80% of families had TVs


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