knowledge of gods existence?

  • Created by: Toby
  • Created on: 22-06-23 14:22
what is natural theology?
theory that knowledge of God can be gained by the power of the human mind
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what are the 2 forms of natural theology?
Natural theology through reasoning about the natural world

Natural theology through sensing God is defended by some
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what is revealed thoelogy?
the theory that knowledge of God can be gained from God’s revelation to us e.g in Jesus and the Bible
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what is Aquinas natural theology?
Aquinas accepted that human reason could never know or understand God’s infinite divine nature. However, he argued that human reason can gain lesser knowledge of God
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how did Aquinas say humans could gain lesser knowledge of god?
God’s existence: through the teleological (design) and cosmological arguments

God’s moral law through natural law theory.

God’s nature by analogy, through the analogies of attribution and proportion
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what did Aquinas say about proving the existence of god?
said that reason could not provide an absolute proof that god exists as this would make faith useless

but instead said that the cosmological and teleological arguments are the only way for religion to prove the existence of god
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what did Karl Barth say?
If natural theology was valid then humans would be able to know God’s existence or God’s morality through their own efforts. Barth argues that would make revelation unnecessary
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what was calving senses divinitias?
believed that all humans have an innate sense of the divine

Natural theology usually deals with our other senses like sight which enable us to gain knowledge of the natural world but the sense of divinity allows us to sense God’s existence
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what was Calvins revealed theology?
influenced by Augustine’s views on the fall and original sin. The garden of Eden is God’s intended design for the world as a paradise

means we only truly know God when we know how to glorify God through worship and following God’s moral commands
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what are the 2 forms of natural theology?


Natural theology through reasoning about the natural world

Natural theology through sensing God is defended by some

Card 3


what is revealed thoelogy?


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Card 4


what is Aquinas natural theology?


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Card 5


how did Aquinas say humans could gain lesser knowledge of god?


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