Unattended stimuli only undergo minimal processing - they are attended/ unattended based on their physical characteristics
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Moray 1959 study>
Dichotic listening task, attended and unattended tape - 1/3 of participants heard their name in unattended tape - suggests processing before attention
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Broadbent 1958 theory?
info travels parallel into sensory info travels to a selector when it is selected based on physical characteristics
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Positives and negatives?
Supports Moray+Cherry as unattended stimuli is still processed, just not to STM-neg-Allport-implicit remembering of unattended stimuli
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Triesman- 1960 - leaky filter
limited capacity, all info attenuated, when reach max capacity less salient stimuli are rid.threshold of context acceptable is reduced so partial processing of stimuli- called breakthroughs
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Deutsch+Deutsch- 1967
All stimuli are analysed in full, the most relevant stimuli dictates what is included/precluded
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Evidence favours bottleneck much earlier , favours Triesmans theory
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Perceptual load theory - 1995 - Lavie
Limited capacity, when capacity is not exhausted, distractors are processed - when capacity is exhausted no resources remain to process distractors
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Tsal and Benoni - 2010
part 1 supports- higher set size so have to process distractors first- 2.set size constant and dilution increased. as quick as low load- PLT can be attributed to dilution
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Posner - 1980 - covert attention
endogenous(control by pp) and exogenous (auto shift) cues. endo=topdown, exo=bottom up- salience dictates attention
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Posner - 1980- attentional spotligh
small area illuminated by attention nothing else - can be moved spatially
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La Berge - 1983
Mean reaction time to a probe significantly increased when probe was in letter position 3- suggests attentional spotlight. pp were asked to check 3rd letter of each word.
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Zoom lens - Castiella+Umilta- 1990
size of spotlight can cover whole visual field and processing ability decreases as size of spotlights increased -stud- cross in and outside box- box=focus
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Feature integration theory- Triesman- 1988
features of object are separated in parallel and then integrate serially - if attention is not applied can cause 'illusionary conjunctions' stored knowledge also affects this
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Triesman+Schmidt- 1982
When attention was diverted, shapes and colours were confused. Attention diversion was a teller of illusionary conjunctions
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Moray 1959 study>
Dichotic listening task, attended and unattended tape - 1/3 of participants heard their name in unattended tape - suggests processing before attention
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