L4M1 -Scope of Influence of Procurement & Supply
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- Created by: bunsandbella
- Created on: 01-02-21 16:03
What is the definition of Procurement?
A Strategic function of a business related to 'obtaining' something. This may be tangible (goods) or intangible (services).
The procurement process begins by idenitying a need, and is completed once these goods/services that meet this need are delivered.
The procurement process begins by idenitying a need, and is completed once these goods/services that meet this need are delivered.
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The act of physically ordering and buying something.
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The infrastructure which ensures that products or services get from the supplier to the customer.
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What is the difference between procurement & purchasing?
Purchasing - physically ordering and buying something.
Procurement - a strategic function that involves identifying a need, and delivering the appropriate good or service that meets this need. Procurement also considers price, quality & monitoring of stoc
Procurement - a strategic function that involves identifying a need, and delivering the appropriate good or service that meets this need. Procurement also considers price, quality & monitoring of stoc
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What 7 functions fit into Procurement?
(All Cats in London Prefer Quorn Sausages)
(All Cats in London Prefer Quorn Sausages)
Added Value
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What is a cost within an organisation?
An amount payable in return for receiving something.
REMEMBER: Cost does not have to be monetary. It could be Time, Material, Effort or Opportunity.
REMEMBER: Cost does not have to be monetary. It could be Time, Material, Effort or Opportunity.
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What are the 4 types of organisational cost?
(******* VDI)
(******* VDI)
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What is a fixed cost? & Give examples.
Fixed costs do not change with the output of the organisation. These are costs that must be paid, regardless of the performance of the organisation.
- Salaries of Management Team
- Insurance
- Office Rent
- Salaries of Management Team
- Insurance
- Office Rent
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What is a variable cost? & Give examples.
Variable costs do change, as they are linked with the output of the organisation. They relate to the number of goods produces/sold, or number of services supplied.
- Raw materials
- Haulage Costs
-Wages for hourly-paid workers.
- Raw materials
- Haulage Costs
-Wages for hourly-paid workers.
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Fixed and Variable Costs make up the total costs of the organisation.
It can be seen that as output increases, fixed costs remain the same. However, at the same time the variable costs rise and this in turn causes the total costs of the organisation to rise.
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What is a Direct Cost?
Direct costs are associated directly with a job or contract.
For example, a construction of an office block could include bricks, cement and labour.
For example, a construction of an office block could include bricks, cement and labour.
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What is an Indirect Cost?
Indirect costs are not directly associated with a job or contract, they are often referred to as Overheads.
Examples of an Indirect costs when constructing an office block would be salary of support staff, rent of head office & mobile phone contracts.
Examples of an Indirect costs when constructing an office block would be salary of support staff, rent of head office & mobile phone contracts.
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Summarise the following;
Fixed Costs
Variable Costs
Direct Costs
Indirect Costs
Fixed Costs
Variable Costs
Direct Costs
Indirect Costs
The Fixed costs of an organisation do not change.
Variable costs do change as they are linked to the output of the business.
Direct costs are directly associated with the job.
Indirect costs are not directly associated with the job.
Variable costs do change as they are linked to the output of the business.
Direct costs are directly associated with the job.
Indirect costs are not directly associated with the job.
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Idenitfy 5 costs that are typical for an organisation.
Capital purchases (buildings, machinery, one-off)
Raw Materials
Research & Development
Raw Materials
Research & Development
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What will a procurement professional typically do when undertaking a captial purhcase?
- Evaluate potential suppliers
- Be involved in preparing the specifications
- Review quality and standards
- Compare buy or lease options
- Research total life cost
-Benchmark prices
- Be involved in preparing the specifications
- Review quality and standards
- Compare buy or lease options
- Research total life cost
-Benchmark prices
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What is an invitation to tender (ITT)?
Invitation to Tender
A document inviting potential suppliers to quote for business.
A document inviting potential suppliers to quote for business.
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The skill of a procurement professional is to achieve a low cost per product, without having to purchase a quanitity that will result in high inventory cost.
For example; if an organisation were able to obtain a bulk delivery of chilled food products using economies of scale, additional overheads incurred to keep the food at the required tempterature might offset the discounted purchase price.
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Economies of Scale
The trend of cost per unit being reduced as output increases due to factors such as increased bargaining power and the cost of tooling being shared amongst larger numbers of units.
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What is the purpose of the Research and Development Department?
How could procurement be involved in this?
How could procurement be involved in this?
Develops new concepts and improves current ideas to ensure an organisation stays up to date and competitive.
Through sourcing prototypes or new materials for trials.
Through sourcing prototypes or new materials for trials.
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What is a carriage deal?
Negotiations to achieve the best possible cost (logistics).
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What is 'Stock' Procurement?
Includes the following;
Raw Materials - products in their natural form, come from Primary Sector.
Components - manufactured in the secondary sector. Secondary sector products are items that are used to create a product, i.e. nuts & bolts.
Finished Goods -
Raw Materials - products in their natural form, come from Primary Sector.
Components - manufactured in the secondary sector. Secondary sector products are items that are used to create a product, i.e. nuts & bolts.
Finished Goods -
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What is 'Non-Stock' Procurement?
Non-stock procurement are not stored within an organisation and may be a one-off capital purchase or may be intangible. They are not listed on an organisations inventory.
i.e. Cleaning Services, Telephone Systems, Internet Contract
i.e. Cleaning Services, Telephone Systems, Internet Contract
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What is the Tertiary Sector?
What is a Tertiary Sector Service?
What is a Tertiary Sector Service?
Industry sector that provides a service.
Services delivered to individuals and other industries as the third stage of the production and manufacturing process, such as banking.
Services delivered to individuals and other industries as the third stage of the production and manufacturing process, such as banking.
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The Procurement Cycle
(U M D P D S I B C W C S A)
Uncle Mark's Dog Pete Destroyed Sue's Iphone Because Cats Were Controlling Sue's Account
(U M D P D S I B C W C S A)
Uncle Mark's Dog Pete Destroyed Sue's Iphone Because Cats Were Controlling Sue's Account
1. Understand Need 2. Market/Commodity 3.Develop Strategy 4. Pre-procurement 5. Develop Document 6. Supplier Selection
7. Issue ITT/RFQ 8. Bid/Tender
9.Contract Award 10. Warehouse Logistics
11. Contract Performance 12. SRM/SCM
7. Issue ITT/RFQ 8. Bid/Tender
9.Contract Award 10. Warehouse Logistics
11. Contract Performance 12. SRM/SCM
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What is Direct Procurement?
The sourcing and supply of a product or service that is directly related to a specific end result, such as the raw materials used to produce a product (Production Proc).
Without direct procurement there could be no finished products for sale to consumers
Without direct procurement there could be no finished products for sale to consumers
25 of 256
Describe the 4 different supplier types, based on the Kraljic Matrix.
(page 12 for Matrix)
(page 12 for Matrix)
Leverage Suppliers - High cost impact yet low risk impact
Strategic Suppliers - both high cost and high risk implications
Routine Suppliers - low cost and low risk impact
Bottleneck Suppliers - low cost and high risk impact
Strategic Suppliers - both high cost and high risk implications
Routine Suppliers - low cost and low risk impact
Bottleneck Suppliers - low cost and high risk impact
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What is Indirect Procurement?
Services, tools and equipment that do not form part of the finished product but are required to maintain the business and production process e.g. manpower, stationary, consultancy.
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What is Operations expenditure?
Costs associated with the running of an organisation, such as electricity, labour or waste collection.
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What is a budget?
The primary tool used by an organisation to monitor income and expenditure. It is a financial plan for a set period of time on how much can be spent.
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What are the 2 types of organisational budgets?
CAPEX - budgets that relates to capital expenditure and include capital purchases.
OPEX - - budgets that relate to operations expenditure.
OPEX - - budgets that relate to operations expenditure.
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What is depreciation?
The reduction over time in the value of an asset held by a company, often due to wear and tear. An amount for this is treated as a cost in a company's annual accounts.
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What is a Capital Purchase?
One-off purchases of machinery, land or property.
The value of capital purchases reduces over time, reflected in the organisations budget as 'depreciation'.
It is a skill of procurement to assess how quickly the asset may depreciate, by working cross-f
The value of capital purchases reduces over time, reflected in the organisations budget as 'depreciation'.
It is a skill of procurement to assess how quickly the asset may depreciate, by working cross-f
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What is Operations Expenditure?
Procurement made by an organisation to ensure the efficient day-to-day running of the business.
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What are the differences between OPEX and CAPEX?
OPEX - ongoing expense, paid monthly or annually, accounted for in the current month or year, low/medium value
CAPEX - asset purchased to last a long time, often paid as lump sum or through bank loan, accounted for and depreciating over a period of time
CAPEX - asset purchased to last a long time, often paid as lump sum or through bank loan, accounted for and depreciating over a period of time
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What is Service Procurement?
Intagible - i.e. cleaning contracts, insurance, utilities
An organisation does not physically own a service procurement. Services can be a one-off requirement.
An organisation does not physically own a service procurement. Services can be a one-off requirement.
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What are the 5 rights of Procurement?
- Quality
- Time
- Place
- Price
- Quality
- Time
- Place
- Price
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When do you use the 5 rights of Procurement?
The 5 rights of Procurement are interlinked and should always be considered when making a purchase; they can be used to help achieve value for money, writing contracts/negotiaing, etc.
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What is the 'right quantity'?
If not?
If not?
Ensuring the most cost effective amount of a product/service is procured.
Production could stop, customer needs unfulfilled, warehouses overstocked, price paid could be too high
Production could stop, customer needs unfulfilled, warehouses overstocked, price paid could be too high
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If you had an order for 200 parts, why would you ideally place them on one PO instead of individual POs?
- generally the larger the quantity, the lower the price paid (What is this called? Economies of Scale)
- Supplier can run machines for longer (cheaper than lots of start ups)
- 1 Delivery
- 1 Transaction
- Supplier can run machines for longer (cheaper than lots of start ups)
- 1 Delivery
- 1 Transaction
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What is the 'right quality'?
If not?
If not?
Quality is about a product/service that meets the needs and expectations of customers, and must be fit for purpose.
-unfulfilled customer needs
-damaged reputation
-potential loss of profits
- safety risks
-unfulfilled customer needs
-damaged reputation
-potential loss of profits
- safety risks
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What is the most common set of standards for quality?
ISO 9000 or ISO 9001
(International Organisation for Standardisation)
ISO is a globally recognised standard for quality.
(International Organisation for Standardisation)
ISO is a globally recognised standard for quality.
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What is a Product Specification?
Another way for a buyer to ensure that the standard of quality their organisation demands is met.
This will include teamwork as it is unlikley they buyer will know all of the information requiref (i.e engineering)
This will include teamwork as it is unlikley they buyer will know all of the information requiref (i.e engineering)
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What are the 7 key things to include on a Product Specification?
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What are the 2 types of specification?
1. Conformance Spec - details exactly what the good/service will consist of. Ensures the product is exactly as required and there is no variance.
2. Performance Spec - outlines what the good/service is to do or achieve. Opens up the supplier market and
2. Performance Spec - outlines what the good/service is to do or achieve. Opens up the supplier market and
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What are the Advantages of a Performance Specification?
- Short document that is quick to prepare
- Simple and cheap to prepare
- Allows suppliers to innovate
- Allows supplier competition
- Simple and cheap to prepare
- Allows suppliers to innovate
- Allows supplier competition
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What are the Disadvantages of a Conformance Specification?
- Usually a long document that takes time to prepare
- Difficult to prepare
- Does not allow supplier to innovate
- Limits supplier competition
- Difficult to prepare
- Does not allow supplier to innovate
- Limits supplier competition
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What it the 'right time'?
Ensuring that any orders and contracts placed state the time where the buying org. requires them.
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What are the consequences of orders not being delivered at the right time?
- Stockouts (could stop production)
- Deliveries arriving at wrong time
- 'Waiting Time' charges
- Supplier relationships
- Deliveries arriving at wrong time
- 'Waiting Time' charges
- Supplier relationships
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What is the 'right price'?
What 3 things should you consider?
What 3 things should you consider?
The price of a product/service must be fair and reasonable.
- The currency
- Tax included?
- Incoterms
- The currency
- Tax included?
- Incoterms
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What is the 'right place'?
Goods or services need to be delivered to the right place. Failure to do so could result in;
- Stockouts
- Stockouts
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What is the definition of Incoterms?
International Commercial Terms of Sale that assign costs and responsabilities between the buyer/seller when delivering products.
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What is Net Price?
What is Gross Price?
What is Gross Price?
Net Price - excludes Tax
Gross Price - Includes Tax
Gross Price - Includes Tax
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Total Cost of Ownership
The total cost incurred by owning a product throughout its useful life, including acquisition, use, maintence and disposal. Often used when procuring assets instead of regularly bought items.
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Total Cost of Acquisition
The total cost incurred in acquiring a product from sourcing to receiving and installing.
(TCA is part of TCO)
(TCA is part of TCO)
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Define the below Incoterms;
Ex-Works (EXW)
Free Carrier (FCA)
Ex-Works (EXW)
Free Carrier (FCA)
EXW - 'Named Place' - Buying org (cost to them) arranges collection and delivery of goods from supplier.
FCA - 'Free Carrier (named place)' - Supplier delivers goods to chosen destination, whereby a courier chosen by buyer collects and then delivers to fi
FCA - 'Free Carrier (named place)' - Supplier delivers goods to chosen destination, whereby a courier chosen by buyer collects and then delivers to fi
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Define the below Incoterm;
Carriage Paid to (CPT)
Carriage Paid to (CPT)
CPT - 'Named place of destination' - goods to be delivered to a destination agreed with buyer. Carriage charge is absorbed in the price of product. Buyer's responsability to insure throughout journey.
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Define the below Incoterm;
Carriage and Insurance Paid to (CIP)
Carriage and Insurance Paid to (CIP)
CIP - Goods delivered to destination agreed with the buyer. No official carriage bill; carriage and insurance absorbed in product price.
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Define the below Incoterm;
Delivered at Terminal (DAT)
Delivered at Terminal (DAT)
DAT - 'named terminal at port/place of destination'. Goods delivered to sea port/airport/train by supplier. Responsibility passed to buyer to arrange the rest of the journey.
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What are the Advantages of using Incoterms?
- Eliminates ambiguities or inconsistencies of country-specific sales and shipping contracts. - easier for sellers and buyers to identify and manage the costs and liabilities of transporting cargo between source and delivery destinations.
- Group C
- Group C
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What must you consider when working out the total cost of aquisition?
(Pickled Cucumbers In Large Queues)
(Pickled Cucumbers In Large Queues)
Purchase Price
Carriage and Insurance
Lead Time
Carriage and Insurance
Lead Time
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What elements contribute to Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)?
TuTu's Insist On Moving To Stage Doors
TuTu's Insist On Moving To Stage Doors
61 of 256
What is an Internal Supplier?
Suppliers within an org. that are linked by working either on same sit for for the same company as the buyer.
i.e. Transmissions & Sodexo are internal suppliers to LH
i.e. Transmissions & Sodexo are internal suppliers to LH
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What is an External Supplier?
Organisations that are separate business entities from the buying organisation.
P&SC Dept. use contracts, service level agreements (SLAs) and KPIs to ensure quality, timescales and quantities considerations are met.
P&SC Dept. use contracts, service level agreements (SLAs) and KPIs to ensure quality, timescales and quantities considerations are met.
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Define a 'Contract'.
A legally binding agreement between 2 or more parties in which 1 party agrees an action in return for something. A contract is enforceable in law and exists in every commercial transaction.
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What 3 things must be included for a contract to exist and be valid?
Intention - all parties must have intention that their agreement can be enforced by civil law
Consideration - this is the bargain or exchange aspect/promise by one party for an action by the other.
Agreement - In contract law the agreement is created t
Consideration - this is the bargain or exchange aspect/promise by one party for an action by the other.
Agreement - In contract law the agreement is created t
65 of 256
What are the 12 key things to include in a contract?
Quirky Dolls Love Quirky Pink Patterned Pencils To Create Little Neat Dots
Quirky Dolls Love Quirky Pink Patterned Pencils To Create Little Neat Dots
Quality, Delivery Requirements, Lead Time, Quantity, Price, Payment Terms, Packaging, Term, Currency, Law, Notice, Dispute Resolution
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In addition to ICA, what else must a contract include to be valid?
Names & Addresses of parties entering the agreement, dated and signed by an individual with capacity.
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What does 'Individual with Capacity' mean?
A person who is legally able to enter into a contract because of their appropriate age and state of mind.
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KPIs may be included within an agreement. Why?
To monitor the performance of a supplier, in order to achieve the right quality, timescales, quanitity and place considerations.
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What are the Pros and Cons to including KPIs within an agreement with a Supplier?
+ Improved Supplier Motivation
+ Improved Communication
+ Improved Relationships & Sharing of Common Goals
- Reduction in quality as suppliers rushing to meet KPIs
- Reduction of team work as suppliers focus on their own KPIs
+ Improved Communication
+ Improved Relationships & Sharing of Common Goals
- Reduction in quality as suppliers rushing to meet KPIs
- Reduction of team work as suppliers focus on their own KPIs
70 of 256
What is Added Value?
What are non-monetary examples of Added Value? pg. 29,30&31 for info, pg 92 for applications
What are non-monetary examples of Added Value? pg. 29,30&31 for info, pg 92 for applications
Designed to set a businesses products or services apart from those of its competitors, in order to attract consumers' attention and encourage them to buy.
Additional features, Brand, Convenience, Excellent Service, Market Development, Reduced Input Cost
Additional features, Brand, Convenience, Excellent Service, Market Development, Reduced Input Cost
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What is the purpose of a risk matrix?
To assess the severity of potential situations and to prioritise action. Such risks can be recorded on a risk register.
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Define 'Stakeholders'
Any group or individual who can affect or is affected by the achievement of the organisation objectives. All parties who will be affected by or will affect the org. strategy.
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Internal Stakeholders
External Stakeholders
External Stakeholders
People/Groups of People who are directly involved directly with the business
People/Groups of People who have an interest in the organisation and could either be impacted by it or have an impact on it.
People/Groups of People who have an interest in the organisation and could either be impacted by it or have an impact on it.
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Return on Investment
A measure of profitability that indicates whether a gain or loss has been generated compared with the initial cost.
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Mendelow's Stakeholder Matrix
Power = High or Low
Interest = High or Low
Page 59. for Matrix
Interest = High or Low
Page 59. for Matrix
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Mendelow's Stakeholder Matrix Description
High Power Low Interest - Keep Satisfied - investors/shareholders
High Power High Interest - Manage Closely (all info they need, involved in decision making etc) - senior managers or gov.
Low Power Low Interest - Minimum Effort - small customers/supplier
High Power High Interest - Manage Closely (all info they need, involved in decision making etc) - senior managers or gov.
Low Power Low Interest - Minimum Effort - small customers/supplier
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Ways to Achieve Value for Money
Refer to pg 33
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What is Upstream?
What is Downstream?
What is Downstream?
Upstream - Getting raw materials needed for production
Downstream - Processing raw materials into the finished product
Downstream - Processing raw materials into the finished product
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What is the purpose of Supply Chain Management (SCM)?
Aims to reduce costs, improve value and reduce risk. Also provides a competitive advantage over competition by adding value throughout the process.
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Define 'Suppy Chain'.
A system of organisations, people, and activities involved in getting a product or service from the source to the consumer.
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What is a Supply Chain Network (SCN)?
What are the 5 general areas included?
(E M D C L C)
What are the 5 general areas included?
(E M D C L C)
It is an extension of a supply chain and includes all other parties involved in the process.
External Suppliers, Manufacturers, Distribution Centres, Logistics & Consumer Demand.
External Suppliers, Manufacturers, Distribution Centres, Logistics & Consumer Demand.
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What is the difference between Procurement & Supply?
Prcourement is about obtaining products and services in response to a need, while a supply chain is the infrastructure involved in physically getting the products and services delivered.
Key difference is the process of supply chain management continues
Key difference is the process of supply chain management continues
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Define Logistics
The control of the flow of goods or services between 2 points, making sure people or things are where they need to be at the right time.
Logistics is involved at every stage in the supply chain.
Logistics is involved at every stage in the supply chain.
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Examples of internal and external logistics?
Internal - Production, Manufacturing, Warehousing
External - Distribution, Transport & Retail
External - Distribution, Transport & Retail
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Logistics requires several areas to be managed in order to keep the entire process running effectively.
What are they?
(Doggy Fun Instantly Worn Out)
What are they?
(Doggy Fun Instantly Worn Out)
Demand Planning - what is required and when?
Fleet Management - fleet of vehicles
Inventory Management - knowing stock availability
Warehousing & Storage - effiecient and correct storage
Order Fulfilment
Fleet Management - fleet of vehicles
Inventory Management - knowing stock availability
Warehousing & Storage - effiecient and correct storage
Order Fulfilment
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Define Materials Management
It is a core part of the supply chain and covers handling, inspection and issuing of raw materials, components and finished goods.
(think about the process when an item procured by LH arrives)
(think about the process when an item procured by LH arrives)
87 of 256
Define Material Requirements Planning (MRP)
What are its 3 objectives?
What are its 3 objectives?
Materials and Production Planning System used in manfacturing environments.
- ensure materials/parts available
- establish when to place orders and schedule deliveries
- keep inventory value low
- ensure materials/parts available
- establish when to place orders and schedule deliveries
- keep inventory value low
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How does an MRP System work?
Based on demand of the end product
Sales Order generates Demand
BOM is launched and MRP system calculates the inventory (order amount against stock)
Within this calc. MRP will work out MOQ
Req is then released onto Procurement
Sales Order generates Demand
BOM is launched and MRP system calculates the inventory (order amount against stock)
Within this calc. MRP will work out MOQ
Req is then released onto Procurement
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What does ERP stand for and what is it?
Enterprice Requirements Planning
An extention of MRP which includes many more organisational functions such as accounting, HR, manufacturing etc.
Can be used as a more cost effective/efficient procurement process and reduce costs for the organisation.
An extention of MRP which includes many more organisational functions such as accounting, HR, manufacturing etc.
Can be used as a more cost effective/efficient procurement process and reduce costs for the organisation.
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Define a Stakeholder
Internal Stakeholders
External Stakeholders
Internal Stakeholders
External Stakeholders
Individuals or groups of people that have an interest in the organisation.
People or groups of people who are involved directly with the organisation i.e. directors, employees
People or groups of people who have an interest in the org. and could either
People or groups of people who are involved directly with the organisation i.e. directors, employees
People or groups of people who have an interest in the org. and could either
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Mendelow's Stakeholder Matrix
(page 59)
(page 59)
Keep Satisfied - High Power/Low Interest - Investors
Manage Closely - High Interest/High Power - Managers
Minimum Effort - Low Power/Low Interest - Small Customers
Keep Informed - Low Power/High Interest - Local Activitists
Manage Closely - High Interest/High Power - Managers
Minimum Effort - Low Power/Low Interest - Small Customers
Keep Informed - Low Power/High Interest - Local Activitists
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What is Stage 1 in the Procurement Cycle?
Understanding Need & Developing a High-Level Specification
- having knowledge of what customer requires
- a need can be tangible/intanglible (goods/services)
- description, quantity, delivery time & quality
- having knowledge of what customer requires
- a need can be tangible/intanglible (goods/services)
- description, quantity, delivery time & quality
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What is Stage 2 in the Procurement Cycle?
Market/Commodity & Options
-researching/review market for best means to meet need
-consider control of buying org and level of risk
I.E > can it be made in-house? (higher control and lower risk) or sourced externally? (less control & increased risk)
-researching/review market for best means to meet need
-consider control of buying org and level of risk
I.E > can it be made in-house? (higher control and lower risk) or sourced externally? (less control & increased risk)
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(Stage 2 Procurement Cycle continued)
What 3 things should be considered when reviewing the market?
What 3 things should be considered when reviewing the market?
Economic Situation (could be cheaper abroad)
Currency Fluctuations (consider exchange rates)
Supply & Demand (price fluctuations)
Currency Fluctuations (consider exchange rates)
Supply & Demand (price fluctuations)
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What is Stage 3 in the Procurement Cycle?
Develop Stategy/Plan
- which suppliers to approach? Local/Global?
- evaluate competition (Porter's 5 Forces), does a supplier have monopoly? (cant negotiate)
- ITT or RFQ?
- which suppliers to approach? Local/Global?
- evaluate competition (Porter's 5 Forces), does a supplier have monopoly? (cant negotiate)
- ITT or RFQ?
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What is the difference between and ITT and RFQ?
ITT - docs sent out to invite bids, formal, suppliers often pre-evaluated, used for purchasing complex products, high-value
RFQ - docs sent out to invite quotations, informal, suppliers not usually pre-evaluated, used for standard, regularly used items,
RFQ - docs sent out to invite quotations, informal, suppliers not usually pre-evaluated, used for standard, regularly used items,
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What is Stage 4 in the Procurement Cycle?
Pre-Procurement, Market Test & Market Engagement
This means: Engaging with market, suppliers & consider macro-economic factors to determine how to develop specification, costs, Ts&Cs, right time? Seeking info from int/ext stakeholders on proposed need.
This means: Engaging with market, suppliers & consider macro-economic factors to determine how to develop specification, costs, Ts&Cs, right time? Seeking info from int/ext stakeholders on proposed need.
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Define Market Engagement
A process to gain advantage understanding of the market prices or trends.
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What is Stage 5 in the Procurement Cycle?
Develop Documentation
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What 5 things should an ITT/RFQ include?
Description & Spec
Delivery Details
Service Level Agreements
Ts & Cs
Delivery Details
Service Level Agreements
Ts & Cs
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Define SLA
An agreement between a supplier and a buyer based on quantity, delivery, availability & other measurable criteria
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What is Stage 6 in the Procurement Cycle?
Supplier Selection to participate in ITT/RFQ
Optional step relating to decision about which suppliers recieve ITT/RFQ. Evaluating suppliers i.e. pre-qual q'aires (PQQ), audits, visits, RFIs to gather info
Optional step relating to decision about which suppliers recieve ITT/RFQ. Evaluating suppliers i.e. pre-qual q'aires (PQQ), audits, visits, RFIs to gather info
103 of 256
What 10 things does a PQQ generally include?
(C F I M Q C H C C C)
(C F I M Q C H C C C)
- Company History
- Financial Activity
- Insurance
- Membership of Professional Bodies
- Quality Accreditations
- Capabilities
- H&S
- CSR Policy
- Code of Ethics
- Conflict of Interest (COI)
- Financial Activity
- Insurance
- Membership of Professional Bodies
- Quality Accreditations
- Capabilities
- H&S
- CSR Policy
- Code of Ethics
- Conflict of Interest (COI)
104 of 256
What are Carter's 10 C's?
ref page 71
ref page 71
105 of 256
What is Stage 7 in the Procurement Cycle?
Issue to 'short-listed' suppliers, all docs to be sent at the same time, include deadline
Issue to 'short-listed' suppliers, all docs to be sent at the same time, include deadline
106 of 256
What is Stage 8 in the Procurement Cycle?
Bid/Tender/Quotation Evaluation
- tenders are usually evaluated against a criteria, structured and formal if tender
- involvement of cross functional teams
-quotation evaluations usually more informal & quicker decision making
Consider TCO when evalua
- tenders are usually evaluated against a criteria, structured and formal if tender
- involvement of cross functional teams
-quotation evaluations usually more informal & quicker decision making
Consider TCO when evalua
107 of 256
What is Stage 9 in the Procurement Cycle?
Contract Award & Implementation
- advise winning suppliers
- finalise Ts&Cs & sign contract
- feedback to unsuccessful suppliers
- advise winning suppliers
- finalise Ts&Cs & sign contract
- feedback to unsuccessful suppliers
108 of 256
What is Stage 10 in the Procurement Cycle?
Warehouse, Logistics & Reciept
- Warehouse prep for recieving item, is there already a procedure in place for this item? location to store it?
- Communicate logistics agreement to warehouse
- Reciepting process -> does it need conformance check? unpack
- Warehouse prep for recieving item, is there already a procedure in place for this item? location to store it?
- Communicate logistics agreement to warehouse
- Reciepting process -> does it need conformance check? unpack
109 of 256
What is Stage 11 in the Procurement Cycle?
Contract Performance Review
- periodically review supplier to maintain required performance and standards
- KPIs and Review meetings
- periodically review supplier to maintain required performance and standards
- KPIs and Review meetings
110 of 256
What is Stage 12 in the Procurement Cycle?
SRM and SCM and Development
Kraljic Matrix
Kraljic Matrix
111 of 256
Define SRM
Define SCM
Define SCM
Process for identifying all interactions with key suppliers and then managing them in a wat that increases the value from the relationship for both parties
The management of the flow of goods and services
The management of the flow of goods and services
112 of 256
What is Stage 13 in the Procurement Cycle?
Asset Management & Lessons Learned
- reviewing contract in place, does it still meet needs? i.e. new legislation/standards?
- contracts nearing end should be reviewed and feedback sought from stakeholders
- reviewing contract in place, does it still meet needs? i.e. new legislation/standards?
- contracts nearing end should be reviewed and feedback sought from stakeholders
113 of 256
CIPS Procurement Cycle identifies every aspect in the sourcing, buying and supplying process. Each stage links to the next.
Pre-Contract = aspects in procurement cycle that occur before contract awarded (stages 1-8)
Stage 9 is Contract Award
Post-Contract = aspects in procurement cycle that occur after contract awarded (stages 10-13)
Stage 9 is Contract Award
Post-Contract = aspects in procurement cycle that occur after contract awarded (stages 10-13)
114 of 256
What would happen if you failed to correctly conduct the pre-contract award stage?
- wrong product supplied
- wrong prices agreed
- wrong quantity
- incorrect selection of suppliers
- legal action
- wrong prices agreed
- wrong quantity
- incorrect selection of suppliers
- legal action
115 of 256
What would happen if you failed to correctly conduct the post-contract award stage?
- Warehousing issues
- Lack of awareness of supplier performance issues
- failure to improve processes
- incorrect disposal of assets
- Lack of awareness of supplier performance issues
- failure to improve processes
- incorrect disposal of assets
116 of 256
Procurement Cycle - The Sourcing Process
What stages in the Procurement Cycle does sourcing relate to?
What stages in the Procurement Cycle does sourcing relate to?
Stages 1-6
Understand Need, Market Commodity, Develop Strategy, Pre-Procurement, Develop Document, Supplier Selection
Understand Need, Market Commodity, Develop Strategy, Pre-Procurement, Develop Document, Supplier Selection
117 of 256
What are the key stages in the Sourcing Process?
(D C S C M)
Dogs Can Sing Cats Meow
(D C S C M)
Dogs Can Sing Cats Meow
Defining Needs
Creation of Contract Terms
Supplier Selection
Contract Award
Contract/Supplier Management
Creation of Contract Terms
Supplier Selection
Contract Award
Contract/Supplier Management
118 of 256
(Sourcing Process)
What is meant by 'defining needs'?
What is meant by 'defining needs'?
Developing a spec for what will be sourced, considering what the buyer needs from the supplier.
119 of 256
(Sourcing Process)
What is meant by 'Creation of Contract Terms'?
What is meant by 'Creation of Contract Terms'?
Developing the T&Cs
A Proc agreement has 2 components - Offer & Acceptance
- Making Offer (reponse to ITT or RFQ is an offer)
- Acceptance of Offer (either as presented (unconditional) or a counter-offer)
An offer has to be accepted and must be confirmed
A Proc agreement has 2 components - Offer & Acceptance
- Making Offer (reponse to ITT or RFQ is an offer)
- Acceptance of Offer (either as presented (unconditional) or a counter-offer)
An offer has to be accepted and must be confirmed
120 of 256
What information should be included in an Offer from a Supplier?
(P D P F L Q M P)
Plants Dont Photosynthesise From Low Quiety Mouldy Places
(P D P F L Q M P)
Plants Dont Photosynthesise From Low Quiety Mouldy Places
Lead Time
Payment Terms
Lead Time
Payment Terms
121 of 256
Define Express Terms & Implied Terms
Express - anything said or written, and agreed between 2 parties; specifically written in contract.
e.g. price or specification
Implied - assumed to exist and linked to common law. Such terms do not have to be mentioned in the contract but by law are pr
e.g. price or specification
Implied - assumed to exist and linked to common law. Such terms do not have to be mentioned in the contract but by law are pr
122 of 256
Why is it important to understand the laws of the country in which a buyer is carrying out a procurement activity?
- in order to avoid the risk of unknown implied terms
- some countries have very complex, potentially confusing implie terms
- to protect the buying organisation
- some countries have very complex, potentially confusing implie terms
- to protect the buying organisation
123 of 256
Define Service Level Agreeement (SLA)
Outlines the level of service that a buying organisation expects from a supplier. It defines how a service will be measured & how conflicts will be dealt with.
124 of 256
Name 4 areas of a supplier's performance that can be monitored by KPIs.
125 of 256
Key Performance Indicators
Key points?
Key points?
- helps organisation keep on target to meet goals/objectives etc.
- must be measurable (quantitative)
- must be measurable (quantitative)
126 of 256
What does SMART Objectives stand for?
Time Bound
Time Bound
127 of 256
What stages of the Procurement Cycle relate to Supplier Selection?
Stages 7-9
128 of 256
How does the approach to supplier evaluation differ between public sector companies and private sector companies?
Public - regulated and more stringent policies/procedures. If over a specific amount there are often pre-approved supplier database to use. Contacts are publicised over a threshold and accountable for money spent
Private - unregulated about which supplie
Private - unregulated about which supplie
129 of 256
What are the 4 main factors of Supplier Relationship Management?
Manage Relationship
Monitor Performance
Maintain Strategy
Manage Change
Monitor Performance
Maintain Strategy
Manage Change
130 of 256
Define Collaborative Style
Working together effectively, a style promoting win-win and trust within relationships
i.e. a strategic supplier
info is shared, needs understood, common goals/strategies, long-term relationship, open communication
i.e. a strategic supplier
info is shared, needs understood, common goals/strategies, long-term relationship, open communication
131 of 256
Define Distributive Style
A style where one party wants to win and does so by focusing on their own goals
i.e. a shorter period supplier, focus is on management of contract rather than promoting the supplier relationship
info witheld, no shared goals, one sided (aims to meet own
i.e. a shorter period supplier, focus is on management of contract rather than promoting the supplier relationship
info witheld, no shared goals, one sided (aims to meet own
132 of 256
What is meant by the term 'value'?
Meeting the exact needs of the market being targeted by an organisation.
133 of 256
What stages of the Procurement Cycle are commonly carried out electronically?
Raising/receipting reqs - e-requisitioning
Researching Product Ranges - e-catelogues
Sourcing - e-ordering/e-sourcing
Payment - e-payment
Researching Product Ranges - e-catelogues
Sourcing - e-ordering/e-sourcing
Payment - e-payment
134 of 256
What 2 things does E-Procurement consist of?
E-Sourcing - The electronic proc of products/services using internet-enabled applications and decision support tools.
E-Purchasing - includes e-reqs, e-ordering, e-payment etc
E-Purchasing - includes e-reqs, e-ordering, e-payment etc
135 of 256
What are the advantages & disadvantages of e-requisitions?
6 of each
6 of each
Adv: Quicker than manual process, traceability, consistency, more control, reduced risk, saves costs in long-term
Dis: Large investment to install e-system, less personal, reliant on technology, training requirements, affected by power failure, individua
Dis: Large investment to install e-system, less personal, reliant on technology, training requirements, affected by power failure, individua
136 of 256
What are the advantages & disadvantages of e-catelogues?
3 each
3 each
Adv: info is more in-depth, readily available and always up to date, can be viewed at all times and environmentally friendly
Dis: If tech fails access is denied, lack of relationship building, may be difficult for buyer to navigate
Dis: If tech fails access is denied, lack of relationship building, may be difficult for buyer to navigate
137 of 256
What are the advantages & disadvantages of e-ordering?
5 adv 3 dis
5 adv 3 dis
Adv: Saves time, relies on correct info input, traceablity, control, reduced risk
Dis: Impersonal, if tech fails, process stops, expensive investment
Dis: Impersonal, if tech fails, process stops, expensive investment
138 of 256
Define Reverse Auction
An auction in which suppliers reduce their bid price
139 of 256
Define E-auction
An auction that takes place between a buyer and a seller on an electronic platform
140 of 256
What are the advantages and disadvantages of reverse auctions?
Adv: quick and easy to compare bids, software allows open communication, no Geo or Org size contraints, lower overheads for suppliers
Dis: Supplier could make lower profit than through other negotiation methods, without seeing samples suppliers could be
Dis: Supplier could make lower profit than through other negotiation methods, without seeing samples suppliers could be
141 of 256
What are the advantages and disadvantages of e-payment auctions?
i.e. bank transfer, debit/credit card, portals such as PayPal
i.e. bank transfer, debit/credit card, portals such as PayPal
Adv: Quick Process, Traceable, Low risk of money going missing, high level of control
Dis: Possibility of online hackers, if tech fails, no personal relationship
Dis: Possibility of online hackers, if tech fails, no personal relationship
142 of 256
What are the advantages of E-Procurement?
Promotes efficiency within the funciton
Saves time
Increases control
Lowers risks
Ultimately reduces the costs of running a procurement department
Saves time
Increases control
Lowers risks
Ultimately reduces the costs of running a procurement department
143 of 256
What is the impact of Procure to Pay systems on the sourcing process?
Reduced Errors
Reduced Waste
Reduced Cost
Faster Payment
Continuous Improvement
Enhance Relationships
Reduced Waste
Reduced Cost
Faster Payment
Continuous Improvement
Enhance Relationships
144 of 256
Define Compliance
Conforming to rules and regulations.
Standards, Regulations, Legislation, Control, Strategies, Policies, Audits, Risk
Standards, Regulations, Legislation, Control, Strategies, Policies, Audits, Risk
145 of 256
Organisational needs for structured sourcing process
Ensures consistency
Standardises practices
Increased Efficiency
Added Value
Standardises practices
Increased Efficiency
Added Value
146 of 256
Supporting future ecological balance by not harming the environment or depleting natural resources
147 of 256
In terms of suppliers, what 2 areas does sustainability relate to?
The supplying organisation is performing well and is likley to be in existence for the foreseeable future
The supplying organisation is environmentally aware and is replacing any natural resources it uses
The supplying organisation is environmentally aware and is replacing any natural resources it uses
148 of 256
What is a CSR Policy?
A document written by the organisation which is internally regulated and contains information on how an org. will be a responsible part of the community, both locally & globally.
149 of 256
Carroll's 4 Part Pyramid (outlines purpose of CSR responsability)
Top - Philanthropic (Goodwill)
2nd - Ethical (Responsability)
3rd - Legal (Obligations)
4th Economic (Responsibilty)
2nd - Ethical (Responsability)
3rd - Legal (Obligations)
4th Economic (Responsibilty)
150 of 256
Effects of Compliance
Equal Support Encourages Group Satisfaction
Equal Support Encourages Group Satisfaction
Ethical behaviour
Sustainable Suppliers
Effective & efficient Workflow
Good Reputation
Satisfied Customers and Consumers
Sustainable Suppliers
Effective & efficient Workflow
Good Reputation
Satisfied Customers and Consumers
151 of 256
Effects of Non-Compliance
Un-Ethical behaviour
Un-Sustainable Suppliers
Cultural Differences
Product Shortages
Inefficient workflow
Poor Reputation
Loss of Customers
Legal Action
Un-Sustainable Suppliers
Cultural Differences
Product Shortages
Inefficient workflow
Poor Reputation
Loss of Customers
Legal Action
152 of 256
Reduced Waste - 'Lean' thinking
What 3 issues should be considered?
What 3 issues should be considered?
Purpose: understanding customer needs and how they perceive value
Process: Improving process & removing waste
People: Create environment that enables people to achieve max potential
Process: Improving process & removing waste
People: Create environment that enables people to achieve max potential
153 of 256
What are 7 types of waste within a process?
154 of 256
The Continuous Improvement Cycle
155 of 256
What does EDI stand for?
What is it?
What is it?
Electronic Data Interchange
Exchange of documents in an agreed format between organisations - removes the need for paper and people
Exchange of documents in an agreed format between organisations - removes the need for paper and people
156 of 256
What are the adv. and disadv. of EDI?
Adv: Quicker transactions, improves accuracy, less waste, improves cash flow, real time visability, reduced lead times
Dis: Large investment, not all orgs. use same system, staff training required, not all orgs. want to use EDI, no human contact in some
Dis: Large investment, not all orgs. use same system, staff training required, not all orgs. want to use EDI, no human contact in some
157 of 256
Define Corporate Governance
The mechanisms, procedures and processes that are used to control and direct an organisation.
158 of 256
What is the purpose of Corporate Governance?
To make organisations effective, efficient and successful and their procedures and policies ethical.
Aims to direct and control the actions of stakeholders
Aims to direct and control the actions of stakeholders
159 of 256
What are the elements of corporate governance?
Policies & Procedures
Management, Stakeholder & Board Accountability
Performance Management
Stakeholder Protection
Values & Ethics
Management, Stakeholder & Board Accountability
Performance Management
Stakeholder Protection
Values & Ethics
160 of 256
Define Conflict of Interest?
A conflict of interest describes a situation where someone within an organisation has opposing loyalties.
161 of 256
What 2 ways may a conflict of interest present itself?
1. An actual conflict of interest occurs when a procurement professional has to make a decision that may affect them personally
2. A perceived conflict of interest occurs when a procurement professional has private interests that could affect a decision
2. A perceived conflict of interest occurs when a procurement professional has private interests that could affect a decision
162 of 256
Define code of ethics.
A document detailing acceptable behaviour within an organisation.
163 of 256
Why should potential conflicts of interest be addressed?
To make sure no unethical behaviour occurs and the orgs. code of ethics is not breached
164 of 256
4D Model
165 of 256
What 5 things does ethics in procurement relate to?
Modern Day Slavery
Child Labour
Human Rights
Bribery and Coercion
Fair Trade
The Evironment
Child Labour
Human Rights
Bribery and Coercion
Fair Trade
The Evironment
166 of 256
What are the main elements in a code of ethics?
Personal Responsability
Personal Responsability
167 of 256
What are the benefits of having code of ethics?
Framework - aids cohesiveness
Focus - focused on good practice
Involvement - consult parties at all levels
Focus - focused on good practice
Involvement - consult parties at all levels
168 of 256
CIPS Code of Conduct
pg. 123
169 of 256
Define Policy
Define Procedure
Define Procedure
A document outlining how a business will conduct itself.
The way a policy will be carried out.
The way a policy will be carried out.
170 of 256
How are policies and procedures related?
Legislation, Regulations, Standards, Objectives
Working Methods
Legislation, Regulations, Standards, Objectives
Working Methods
171 of 256
What is the purpose of Policies and Procedures?
Ensures Conformance
Ensures Complaince
Protect from coercion, bribery or fraud
Organisational Protection
Continuity of Supply
Promote efficiency
Promote ethical behaviour
Assist Audit Procedures
Aid with Legal Cases
Ensures Complaince
Protect from coercion, bribery or fraud
Organisational Protection
Continuity of Supply
Promote efficiency
Promote ethical behaviour
Assist Audit Procedures
Aid with Legal Cases
172 of 256
Define Organisation Accountability
All members of the business working together to achieve the objectives.
173 of 256
What are the 5 levels of Competency for Procurement?
Tactical - applies key tasks associated with P&SC
Operational - Provides advice and guidance to key stakeholders on org. performance
Managerial - Develops, improves and fulfills org. and functional objectives
Professional - formulates direction and advice
Operational - Provides advice and guidance to key stakeholders on org. performance
Managerial - Develops, improves and fulfills org. and functional objectives
Professional - formulates direction and advice
174 of 256
Describe 4 ways accountability within the organisation can be enhanced?
1. Define clear roles & responsabilities
2. Promoting a sense of ownership
3. Providing freedom, control, support and ownership
4. Embrace positivies and do not focus on negatives
i.e. compliance with ethics, awarding contracts to most suitable, managin
2. Promoting a sense of ownership
3. Providing freedom, control, support and ownership
4. Embrace positivies and do not focus on negatives
i.e. compliance with ethics, awarding contracts to most suitable, managin
175 of 256
Define Mark Up
The expression of profit as a % of costs.
176 of 256
Responsabilities for Procurement
Think about;
1. Who has authority to accept/process orders?
Question: What are the risks of sending a req to someone without authority?
Think about;
1. Who has authority to accept/process orders?
Question: What are the risks of sending a req to someone without authority?
A: potential delay in goods being ordered/received, may not be ordered at all or may be incorrect, unapproved suppliers may be contracted, financial implications like agreeing to a high cost
177 of 256
Responsabilities for Procurement
Think about;
2. Who has the authority to make decisions?
Think about;
2. Who has the authority to make decisions?
By determining who has the authority to authorise decisions helps to;
- monitor spend
- mitigate risk
- ensures good ethical behaviour
- provides a structure (aids efficiency & promotes conformity)
- monitor spend
- mitigate risk
- ensures good ethical behaviour
- provides a structure (aids efficiency & promotes conformity)
178 of 256
Invoice Clearance and Payment
Invoices should be checked against the PO and goods received note to ensure that they match.
i.e. quanitity received, price, tax rate applied, transport costs, payment terms
i.e. quanitity received, price, tax rate applied, transport costs, payment terms
179 of 256
Delegated Authority Procedures
Following these proceduers saves time and money, increasing efficiency due to responsibilities being clearly defined. Better control and exposed to lower risk.
180 of 256
Define Strategy
A long-term plan formulated by senior managers within the organisation and sets out actions to be carried our in order to meet the org. missions and visions
Strategies must constantly evolve in line with market forces.
Strategies must constantly evolve in line with market forces.
181 of 256
Examples of Procurement Strategies
Achieving cost reduction
Adding value within the supply chain
Encouraging local supply
Ethical improvements
JIT implementation
Adding value within the supply chain
Encouraging local supply
Ethical improvements
JIT implementation
182 of 256
Define JIT
A system that works alonside Lean Manufacturing. In order to reduce waste in the supply chain, JIT makes sure that stock is not held unnecessarily in inventory.
183 of 256
The Lewin Change Model
184 of 256
What are the 2 types of Change?
1. Step Change - a radical and fast change, often a reaction to unexpected factors
2. Incremental Change - slow and gradual changes in strategy, less radical than if there has been no pattern of continuous change
2. Incremental Change - slow and gradual changes in strategy, less radical than if there has been no pattern of continuous change
185 of 256
What are the Advantages of Procurement Strategies, Policies and Manuals?
Provides Guidance
Gives Continuity
Promotes Ethical Behaviour
Retains Control
Reduces Risk
Promotes Accountability
Treats all suppliers similarly
Prevents non-proc team members sourcing/buying
Gives Continuity
Promotes Ethical Behaviour
Retains Control
Reduces Risk
Promotes Accountability
Treats all suppliers similarly
Prevents non-proc team members sourcing/buying
186 of 256
What are the Disadvantages of Procurement Strategies, Policies and Manuals?
Everyone uses the same technique
Buyers lose their individualality
Makes all relationships very formal
Suppliers may resent having to conform
Buyers lose their individualality
Makes all relationships very formal
Suppliers may resent having to conform
187 of 256
What does ILO stand for?
International Labour Organisation
Exists to protect people against exploitation in the workplace
Exists to protect people against exploitation in the workplace
188 of 256
Define Centralised Structure
Vast majority of activities carried out at one central location, often implemented by large orgs. that have considerable spend to manage across multiple sites.
189 of 256
Advantages & Disadvantaged of a Centralised Structure
adv: stronger supplier relationships (1 buyer for all buying reqs.), Saves on resources and more cost effective as they can obtain economies of scale as well as using fewer staff
Dis: Longer processes as indv. have to follow policy/procedure to place req
Dis: Longer processes as indv. have to follow policy/procedure to place req
190 of 256
Define Devolved Structure
Procurement carried out by location or departments
191 of 256
Advantages & Disadvantaged of a Devolved Structure
Adv: Direct comms with supplier, fast delivery, supports local suppliers, fewer procedures, specialist product knowledge
Dis: Prices may not be negotiated to best value, economies of scale not used, supplier rel. not valued, TCO not monitored, detracts f
Dis: Prices may not be negotiated to best value, economies of scale not used, supplier rel. not valued, TCO not monitored, detracts f
192 of 256
Define Hybrid Structure
pg. 154 Table 3.12
pg. 154 Table 3.12
A mix of Centralised and Devolved Structures
193 of 256
Name 4 recognised Hybrid Structures
- Consortium Structures
- Lead Buyer Structures
- Shared Services
- Lead Buyer Structures
- Shared Services
194 of 256
Define Consortium Structure
Formed when similar orgs./org.s with the same need collaborate for their mutual benefit (because they will be able to obtain economies of scale)
pg. 154 Fig. 3.16
pg. 154 Fig. 3.16
195 of 256
What are the 6 different types of Consortia?
Loose (informal, to get better pricing & share info)
Voluntary (more formal, purch manager procures on behalf of orgs. in group)
Regional (Centralised structure based on Geo)
Profit-Making (strenght in no.s approach to enhance profit margins)
Voluntary (more formal, purch manager procures on behalf of orgs. in group)
Regional (Centralised structure based on Geo)
Profit-Making (strenght in no.s approach to enhance profit margins)
196 of 256
Advantages & Disadvantages of a Consortium Structure
Adv. EoS, Additional negotiating skills, Lower Prices, Reduced Workload, Improvement of best practice, shared increased knowledge, reduced levels of risk
Dis. Reduced control, internal conflict, reduced competition, increased supplier lead times, supplie
Dis. Reduced control, internal conflict, reduced competition, increased supplier lead times, supplie
197 of 256
Define Shared Services
A form of centralised structure ofthen used in hybrid structures.
Occurs when org. centralises its support functions i.e. HR, ICT, Admin, Finance
Occurs when org. centralises its support functions i.e. HR, ICT, Admin, Finance
198 of 256
What is the purpose of implementing 'Shared Services'?
- To create uniformity in policies, procedures and standards
- Continuous Improvement
- To save costs
- Streamline and standardise processes
- Improve quality of the services provided
- Continuous Improvement
- To save costs
- Streamline and standardise processes
- Improve quality of the services provided
199 of 256
Advantages & Disadvantages of a Shared Service?
Adv. Reduces costs, provides high level of skill and knowledge, focus on core activities, avoids duplication of work, info held in a central location
Dis. Increased risk of breaching dept. confidentiality, resistance to change, new processes/procedures t
Dis. Increased risk of breaching dept. confidentiality, resistance to change, new processes/procedures t
200 of 256
Define Lead Buyer Structure
When 1 org dept or individual takes reponsability for setting framework or purchasing of a specific product or service
201 of 256
Advantages and Disadvantages of Lead Buyer Structure
Adv. Indv. with procurement experience can develop their skills, EoS achieved, reduced workload in comparison to Devolved strategy
Dis. If dept has no P&SC knowledge then prices wont be competitive, products/services chosen may not suit all parties, red
Dis. If dept has no P&SC knowledge then prices wont be competitive, products/services chosen may not suit all parties, red
202 of 256
What can Procurement Outsourcing be used for?
Reduce Costs
Save Time
Enable Org to concentrate on core competencies
Reduce Staff
Integrates external expertise into an org.
Fits into hybrid structure
Save Time
Enable Org to concentrate on core competencies
Reduce Staff
Integrates external expertise into an org.
Fits into hybrid structure
203 of 256
Advantages and Disadvantages of Outsourcing
Adv: Cost reduction, reduced training costs, lower headcount, EoS, access to highly skilled buyers
Dis: changing from internal to outsourced could make employee relations difficult, lack of control, needs managing (time), tech issues of integrating compa
Dis: changing from internal to outsourced could make employee relations difficult, lack of control, needs managing (time), tech issues of integrating compa
204 of 256
What is rapport?
Concerned with finding a common ground, understanding the other parties feelings. It involves mutual trust and understanding built on good communication.
205 of 256
What 4 elements make up the 'Trust Matrix' ?
pg. 161 Fig 3.17
pg. 161 Fig 3.17
206 of 256
What are some different methods to building rapport?
Positive body language and eye contact
Ask questions
Be empathetic
Respect all ideas
Be honest
Justify opinions and feedback
Ask questions
Be empathetic
Respect all ideas
Be honest
Justify opinions and feedback
207 of 256
What is Maslow's Heirarchy of Needs?
What are the 5 heirarchies?
What are the 5 heirarchies?
A motivational theory based on an individuals physical and psychological needs.
(Bottom to top)
Biological and Physiological needs
Safety needs
Belongingness and Love needs
Esteem needs
(Bottom to top)
Biological and Physiological needs
Safety needs
Belongingness and Love needs
Esteem needs
208 of 256
What are the elements involved in 'Value for money'?
Customer Service
5 rights of Procurement
Total Life Costs
5 rights of Procurement
Total Life Costs
209 of 256
What are 3 systems for inventory management?
210 of 256
What are the disadvantages of Electronic MRP systems?
Rely on correct info from the outset
(i.e. BOM, MOQ or leadtime)
Product developments need to be updated
Potential for incorrect demands to be placed
(i.e. BOM, MOQ or leadtime)
Product developments need to be updated
Potential for incorrect demands to be placed
211 of 256
Define JIT
A systems that contributes towards the reduction of waste in the supply chain. JIT's purpose is to make sure that inventory is not held unnecessarily.
212 of 256
Define Kanban Theory
Linked to continuous change and aims to refine and improve work systems. Maintaining acceptable levels of inventory.
213 of 256
Advantages of IT systems in procurement
Accurate data provided
Saves resources
Improves efficiency
Speeds up Comms
Promotes consistent working methods
Supplier/Customer Visibility
Allows remote working
Saves resources
Improves efficiency
Speeds up Comms
Promotes consistent working methods
Supplier/Customer Visibility
Allows remote working
214 of 256
Disadvantages of IT systems in procurement
Reliant on accurate set up info
Time consuming to install
Large financial outlay to implement
Resistance to change
Incorrect data input could cause major problems
Less direct contact with suppliers
Time consuming to install
Large financial outlay to implement
Resistance to change
Incorrect data input could cause major problems
Less direct contact with suppliers
215 of 256
Define ERP?
Basically SAP
Basically SAP
Enterprise Resource Planning
An IT systems that co-ordinates and integrates business proceses and automates back office procedures to enhance efficiency.
e.g. holds relevant info & stores centrally, can streamline processes and eliminate repetition of w
An IT systems that co-ordinates and integrates business proceses and automates back office procedures to enhance efficiency.
e.g. holds relevant info & stores centrally, can streamline processes and eliminate repetition of w
216 of 256
Define Cloud Computing
The delivery of IT services such as storage and networking which are hosted by a third party and accessed over the internet.
217 of 256
What are ERPs most recent developments?
Remote access
Cloud based systems - frees up physical space, reduces risk of lost data, less likely affected by power cuts etc
Social media modules
Cloud based systems - frees up physical space, reduces risk of lost data, less likely affected by power cuts etc
Social media modules
218 of 256
What are ERP elements of the supply chain?
pg 174
pg 174
PO creation & sending
Delivery of PO
Contract Management
Supplier database/evaluation
PO creation & sending
Delivery of PO
Contract Management
Supplier database/evaluation
219 of 256
Define M2M
Machine to Machine Communication
220 of 256
What are the advantages of IT systems within communication?
Speeds up processes
Reduced errors
Increased control
Aids traceability
Not reliant on human input
Receipt of messages can be tracked
Reduced errors
Increased control
Aids traceability
Not reliant on human input
Receipt of messages can be tracked
221 of 256
What are the disadvantages of IT systems within communication?
Relationships may suffer
Could result in job losses
Costly to implement
IT support required
Risk of power failures
E-mails may be open to interpretation
Could result in job losses
Costly to implement
IT support required
Risk of power failures
E-mails may be open to interpretation
222 of 256
What is a sector?
Sectors are a way of classifying organisations in relation to the way they are funded, what their objectives are and what products/services they are involved with.
223 of 256
What are the 3 types of sector?
Public - owned and controlled by gov, provide public with services integral to wellbeing/lifestyle, funded by taxation, Value for money is paramount
Private - privately owned/funded & have an objective to make a profit (Sole trader, partnership, Ltd or PL
Private - privately owned/funded & have an objective to make a profit (Sole trader, partnership, Ltd or PL
224 of 256
Define Privatised
Taken over by private investor and run as a Limited or Public Company
225 of 256
Sole Trader
Simplest form of private sector business, run by 1 person i.e. hairdresser, artist
Complete responsability for running business, do not have to share profit or report to anyone
Solely liable for any debts incurred
Complete responsability for running business, do not have to share profit or report to anyone
Solely liable for any debts incurred
226 of 256
2 or more individuals
PArtner with largest % are known as the majority owner
PArtner with largest % are known as the majority owner
227 of 256
Private Limited Companies (Ltd)
Legally seperate from the people who run it
Must have a minimum of 1 shareholder - privately owned shares and not traded on stock exchange.
The shares of an Ltd belong to owners and cant be bought and sold on the stock exchange.
Must have a minimum of 1 shareholder - privately owned shares and not traded on stock exchange.
The shares of an Ltd belong to owners and cant be bought and sold on the stock exchange.
228 of 256
Public Limited Companies (PLCs)
Similar to Ltd but its shares are traded on the stock exchange
The shares of a PLC are traded on the stock exchange and belong to investors.
The shares of a PLC are traded on the stock exchange and belong to investors.
229 of 256
Third Sector Organisations (TCOs)
Exist to support/promote social, environmental or culteral obj - any profits they make are used to support their goals
230 of 256
Define Co-operative
A people-centred enterprise owned and run by and for its members, which either re-invests any profit or returns them to its members
231 of 256
Main differences between Public, Private and Third Sector?
Page 189
232 of 256
What are the 3 types of industrial sector?
Primary - acquisition/extraction of raw materials
Secondary - transforms raw materials into finished goods (assembly, construction, manuf.)
Tertiary - provides a service and support to the other 2 sectors i.e. retail, education
Secondary - transforms raw materials into finished goods (assembly, construction, manuf.)
Tertiary - provides a service and support to the other 2 sectors i.e. retail, education
233 of 256
What are the objectives of Public sector orgs?
- caring for citizens
- providing and improving services
- enhancing and operating facilities
- providing and improving services
- enhancing and operating facilities
234 of 256
Define cost avoidance
Limiting potential cost increases
235 of 256
Define Framework Agreement
An arrangement that is put in place with one or more suppliers for the supply of a range of supplies or services in which the prices and Ts & Cs are all agreed for the duration of the period of the arrangement.
236 of 256
What are the 4 types of procurement procedures in the public sector?
Competitive Dialogue
Competitive Procedure with negotiation
Competitive Dialogue
Competitive Procedure with negotiation
237 of 256
Define open tender procedure
A single-stage process, giving any organisation wishing to bid a chance to do so
238 of 256
Define restricted tender procedure
A 2 stage process;
1) advising potnetial suppliers about the available contract and asking to submit a q'aire that is analysed to see if they meet criteria
2) small no. of shortlisted potential suppliers receive full info and are able to submit a bid
1) advising potnetial suppliers about the available contract and asking to submit a q'aire that is analysed to see if they meet criteria
2) small no. of shortlisted potential suppliers receive full info and are able to submit a bid
239 of 256
Define competitive dialogue
Multi-stage process involving feedback from potential suppliers prior to bidding. Suppliers indicate their interest and successful ones are shortlisted. Then enter comms with buyer. Potential suppliers eliminated by pre-determined criteria and suitability
240 of 256
Define Competitive dialogue with negotiation
Multi-stage process involving negotiation with the winning bidder.
241 of 256
Procurement Policy Notes (PPN)
UK Procurement Document providing guidance on best practice.
242 of 256
Advantages and Disadvantages of Regulations on Procurement?
Adv. Promotes uniformity of processes, enhanced control, reduces risk, provides accountability and traceability, can open up contracts to wide market.
Dis. Time consuming, Costly, strict evaluation process may remove best supplier, one regulation does no
Dis. Time consuming, Costly, strict evaluation process may remove best supplier, one regulation does no
243 of 256
Define public accountability
Obligation of the associated enterprises to be answerable to those who fund them
244 of 256
Define Monopoly
Company or Group with little or no competition
245 of 256
What is public accountability?
About providing the government and public with a clear and undistorted view of how thinga happen, and the outcomes/issues that may present themselves.
i.e. transparency, efficiency, responsability, integrity, trustworthiness
i.e. transparency, efficiency, responsability, integrity, trustworthiness
246 of 256
Value for money - the 3 Es
what is the forth E?
what is the forth E?
Efficiency - spending well
Economy - spending less
Effectiveness - spending wisely
Equity - spending fairly
Economy - spending less
Effectiveness - spending wisely
Equity - spending fairly
247 of 256
What are 4 objectives of a private sector organisation?
Making a profit
Increasing Market Share
Increasing Shareholder value
Ensuring action are socially responsible
Increasing Market Share
Increasing Shareholder value
Ensuring action are socially responsible
248 of 256
Define market share
The amount of ownership or control an organisation has over a particular area of the market through volume of sales or value of sales.
249 of 256
Define turnover
The income, or amount of money that comes into a business, also known as revenue
250 of 256
What are 5 rights of Shareholders within an organisation?
- influence company decisions
- buy more shares or to increase their holding
- to a share of the company profits
- vote in company decision making
- take legal action against the organisation
- buy more shares or to increase their holding
- to a share of the company profits
- vote in company decision making
- take legal action against the organisation
251 of 256
What are 6 ways a positive brand can be created?
- convincing consumers they need the product/service
- displaying a strong image
- having values customers can relate to
- empathy with customer needs
- being future orientated
- offering sustainable solutions
- displaying a strong image
- having values customers can relate to
- empathy with customer needs
- being future orientated
- offering sustainable solutions
252 of 256
What is a TSO?
Third Sector Organisation
The purpose of a TSO is to provide support for a cause; they often have volunteers as staff who are happy to work for free to help support the organisation in achieving its goals and objectives. Objectives may differ depending o
The purpose of a TSO is to provide support for a cause; they often have volunteers as staff who are happy to work for free to help support the organisation in achieving its goals and objectives. Objectives may differ depending o
253 of 256
What are the general objectives of Charities (TSO)?
Raise awareness of a cause
Attract donations and funding
Ensure continuity of support
Engage stakeholders
Attract donations and funding
Ensure continuity of support
Engage stakeholders
254 of 256
What is a buying group?
Aim to offer their members cost savings on a wide variety of products; members are usually individual businesses as members of a buying group they have purchasing power which helps to obtain competitive pricing
255 of 256
What are the objectives of a buying group?
- Negotiate best prices for members
- Providing support through advice on relevant issues and matters relating to the buying group and associated trades
- Shares best practice, contacts and information
- Keep membership fees/levies as low as possible
- A
- Providing support through advice on relevant issues and matters relating to the buying group and associated trades
- Shares best practice, contacts and information
- Keep membership fees/levies as low as possible
- A
256 of 256
Other cards in this set
Card 2
The act of physically ordering and buying something.
Card 3

Card 4
What is the difference between procurement & purchasing?

Card 5
What 7 functions fit into Procurement?
(All Cats in London Prefer Quorn Sausages)
(All Cats in London Prefer Quorn Sausages)

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