La haine 5.0 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? FrenchMedia and cultureA2/A-levelAQA Created by: laurennnnnnnCreated on: 12-04-16 23:08 questioning un interrogatoire 1 of 19 riot/rioters une émeute/les émeutiers 2 of 19 identity crisis la crise d'identité 3 of 19 housing estate la cité 4 of 19 neighbourhood le quartier 5 of 19 surburb la banlieue 6 of 19 weapon/gun une arme/le pistolet 7 of 19 police les forces de l'ordre/la police 8 of 19 beating le passage à tabac 9 of 19 boredom l'ennui 10 of 19 le verlan/l'argot slang 11 of 19 Paris suberban trains le RER 12 of 19 jewish (Vinz) juif 13 of 19 north african (hubert) maghrébin 14 of 19 arab un beur 15 of 19 jerky (camera) saccadé 16 of 19 to start/spark off déclencher 17 of 19 to break out/explode éclater 18 of 19 to display afficher 19 of 19
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