La semana Santa (5) 2.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? SpanishUnidad 5: La identidad regionalASAQA Created by: lalolaCreated on: 03-04-17 20:29 admirar admire 1 of 69 adornado decorated 2 of 69 el altar altar 3 of 69 andante walking 4 of 69 el arrepentimiento remorse; regret 5 of 69 asombrado astonished 6 of 69 la atmósfera atmosphere 7 of 69 la aureola halo 8 of 69 la banda music band 9 of 69 la bendición blessing 10 of 69 cancelar to cancel 11 of 69 el canto THE SINGING 12 of 69 la capa cape 13 of 69 cargar to carry 14 of 69 el casco anttiguo old quater 15 of 69 católico Catholic 16 of 69 celebrar celebratte 17 of 69 la controversia controversy 18 of 69 el costalero carrier 19 of 69 la cuz cross 20 of 69 la cuerda rope 21 of 69 el cuerpo body 22 of 69 la cera wax 23 of 69 cierto true 24 of 69 colocar to clean up 25 of 69 conmemorar to commemorate 26 of 69 creíble believable 27 of 69 la corona crown 28 of 69 descalzo barefoot 29 of 69 declarar to declare 30 of 69 el desfile procession; parade 31 of 69 desfilar to parade 32 of 69 disfrutar to enjoy 33 of 69 divino heavenly 34 of 69 ensayar to rehearse 35 of 69 la esperanza hope 36 of 69 extremo extreme 37 of 69 la farsa farce 38 of 69 la fe faith 39 of 69 la figura statue; figure 40 of 69 fijamente firmly 41 of 69 la insignia badge 42 of 69 laico secular; lay 43 of 69 liberar to free 44 of 69 la llegada arrival 45 of 69 el madero piece of wood 46 of 69 el milagro miracle 47 of 69 la misa mass 48 of 69 mojarse to get wet 49 of 69 la monja nun 50 of 69 el motor engine 51 of 69 la oración prayer 52 of 69 ostentoso ostentatious; showy 53 of 69 el palio canopy 54 of 69 pasear to walk/to show off/ to go for a walk 55 of 69 pecador sinner 56 of 69 el preso prisoner 57 of 69 el recluso inmate 58 of 69 recogimiento rereat 59 of 69 respetuoso respectful 60 of 69 rezar to pray 61 of 69 sagrado sacred 62 of 69 el sepulcro sepulchre 63 of 69 la singularidad uniqueness 64 of 69 soportar to bear 65 of 69 terrenal worldly 66 of 69 trasladar to move; to transfer 67 of 69 valioso valuable 68 of 69 la vela candle 69 of 69
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