La Sociedad Multicultural - El Racismo 0.0 / 5 ? Spanishel racismoA2/A-levelAQA Created by: csaunders10Created on: 11-06-17 17:29 aguantar to put up with 1 of 50 amenazar to threaten 2 of 50 arraigado rooted/fixed 3 of 50 el ataque racista racist attack 4 of 50 burlarse de to make fun of 5 of 50 el comportamiento behavior 6 of 50 condenar to condemn 7 of 50 criticar to criticise 8 of 50 dar el alto y registrar to stop and search 9 of 50 dar rabía to make angry 10 of 50 de raza mixta mixed race 11 of 50 denunciar to report, denounce 12 of 50 desatar to unleash 13 of 50 la desigualdad inequality 14 of 50 desplegar to unfurl 15 of 50 la discriminación discrimination 16 of 50 la escuderia motor-racing team 17 of 50 tener prejuicios to be prejudiced 18 of 50 el extremismo extremism 19 of 50 extemista extremist 20 of 50 el fallo verdict 21 of 50 el golpe bloew 22 of 50 la infracción infringement 23 of 50 insultar to insult 24 of 50 el insulto insult 25 of 50 intolerante intolerant 26 of 50 la intolerancia intolerance 27 of 50 jugarse to risk 28 of 50 el juicio judgement 29 of 50 la lucha fight 30 of 50 luchar en contra de to fight against 31 of 50 la masificación overcrowding 32 of 50 merecer to deserve 33 of 50 los derechos humanos human rights 34 of 50 el miedo fear 35 of 50 el motín revolt 36 of 50 la normativa regulations 37 of 50 el orgullo pride 38 of 50 la pancarta banner 39 of 50 la pandilla gang 40 of 50 el patrimonio heritage 41 of 50 el prejuicio prejudice 42 of 50 provocar to stir up 43 of 50 el racismo racism 44 of 50 el racista racist 45 of 50 la Reconquista Conquest of Muslim Spain by Christian kingdoms 46 of 50 ultrajado offended 47 of 50 vincularse to be linked 48 of 50 la xenofibia xenophobia 49 of 50 el xenófobo xenophobe 50 of 50
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