La pollution 0.0 / 5 ? FrenchGrammar and vocabularyA2/A-levelAQA Created by: svnelson1996Created on: 09-06-14 15:19 effluent les effluents 1 of 22 les gaz d'échappement exhaust gases 2 of 22 lead le plomb 3 of 22 CFC's les CFC 4 of 22 hole le trou 5 of 22 la bombe aérosol aerosol 6 of 22 fuel le carburant 7 of 22 le cours d'eau waterways 8 of 22 oil, tar le mazout 9 of 22 le déversement spillage 10 of 22 déverser to spill 11 of 22 noise pollution les nuisances sonores 12 of 22 dégager to release 13 of 22 to soil souiller 14 of 22 unleaded sans plomb 15 of 22 to discharge rejeter 16 of 22 diesel le gazole 17 of 22 les ordures ménagères household waste 18 of 22 la circulation routière car traffic 19 of 22 total number of cars le parc automobile 20 of 22 la sécheresse drought 21 of 22 heatwave la canicule 22 of 22
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