Carried out in a controlled setting, high internal validity because they have good control of variables/low ecological validity because participants are always aware they are being studied
1 of 5
What is a field experiment?
Carried out in an outside environment - natural environment. Low internal validity, high external validity
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Research example
Weapon Focus Effect, was actually a field experiment even though you would of thought it was a lab experiment
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EVALUATION: Strength/Limitation of laboratory experiment
The control that the experimenter has/low ecological validity
4 of 5
EVALUATION: Strength/Limitation of field experiment
High mundane realism/time-consuming, expensive
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is a field experiment?
Carried out in an outside environment - natural environment. Low internal validity, high external validity
Card 3
Research example
Card 4
EVALUATION: Strength/Limitation of laboratory experiment
Card 5
EVALUATION: Strength/Limitation of field experiment
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