Language Change + Speech analysis - A2 WJEC 4.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? English LanguageInvestigating languageA2/A-levelWJEC Created by: Abby KilleenCreated on: 18-06-15 19:03 LANGUAGE CHANGE LANGUAGE CHANGE. 1 of 33 Amelioration? Meaning is more positive e.g. Sick 2 of 33 Pejoration? Meaning is more negative e.g. Wench 3 of 33 Narrowing? Number of meanings decreased e.g. Meat 4 of 33 Broadening? Number of meanings increased e.g. Fit 5 of 33 When was the dictionary invented? 1755 6 of 33 Borrowing? Words used from another language e.g. Alcohol 7 of 33 Initialism? Abbreviating using letters that don't make a word e.g. WLTM 8 of 33 Acronym? Abbreviating using letters that do make a word e.g. NASA 9 of 33 Lexical Change? Changes to the vocabulary but not the meaning. 10 of 33 Inverted Syntax? When a sentence is put in a different order e.g. Tired, is he. 11 of 33 Blending? Parts of words combined e.g. Smoke + Fog = Smog 12 of 33 Coinage? Completely new word e.g. IPAD 13 of 33 Neologism? New word that is not completely new. 14 of 33 Affixing? Adding a prefix/suffix to create a new word, each word can't stand alone e.g. Multi-media 15 of 33 Compound? Adding a prefix/suffix to create a new word, each word can stand alone. 16 of 33 SPEECH. SPEECH 17 of 33 Filler? Gives speaker time to think e.g. "er" 18 of 33 Prosodic Features? Include stress/pitch on a word e.g. HEY 19 of 33 Repitition? Said more than once, usually for emphasis or humour 20 of 33 False Start? Having to restart the sentence, shows unprepared speech 21 of 33 Interruption? To show power or not caring about what the other person has to say, also shows unprepared. 22 of 33 Back Channeling? Feedback e.g. "yeah" 23 of 33 Tag Question? Question on the end of a statement to target a response. 24 of 33 Syndetic List? List with a conjunction 25 of 33 Diexis? Vague e.g. thing 26 of 33 Hypophora? Answer own question. 27 of 33 Colloquialism? Informal e.g. "mate" 28 of 33 Taboo? Swearing e.g. "****" 29 of 33 Slang? Informal - e.g. "bezzy" 30 of 33 Contraction? e.g. Don't 31 of 33 Hyperbole? Exaggeration 32 of 33 Clipping? Shortening words e.g. "comin'" 33 of 33
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