Language Techniques

  • Created by: Natmac
  • Created on: 20-12-18 13:30
What is a metaphor?
A comparison made without using 'like' or 'as'.
1 of 7
What is a Simile?
A comparison made using ‘like’ or ‘as’ to create a vivid image.
2 of 7
What is Personification?
A type of imagery in which non-human objects, animals or ideas are given human characteristics.
3 of 7
What is a Motif?
Any repeated idea, theme or image that has a symbolic significance in the text. Any repeated idea, theme or image that has a symbolic significance in the text.
4 of 7
What is Repetition?
Words, phrases or ideas are repeated for effect.
5 of 7
What is an Alliteration?
The repetition of the same sounds (mainly consonants) usually at the beginning of words.
6 of 7
What is Onomatopoeia?
The sounds of words to express or underline their meaning.
7 of 7

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Card 2


What is a Simile?


A comparison made using ‘like’ or ‘as’ to create a vivid image.

Card 3


What is Personification?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is a Motif?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is Repetition?


Preview of the front of card 5
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